What are Online Passive Income Streams and How to Set One Up?


Passive income is earnings from a source other than an employer or contractor and typically involves no active work once set up. In most cases, a person passively generates income in the long run from investments made in the past. With the development of technology, passive income streams can be set up with no upfront costs as an unconventional way to earn revenue. There's no need to work when a person has passive income streams, but some upkeep activities might be required. It includes managing your finances, cashing out, closing, and opening new revenue streams.

Different Types of Income

When discussing different types of income, financial advisors include income earned from an employer, profit, interest, dividends, rental incomes, capital gains, and royalties. While some of these income types require constant and active involvement, the best way to build wealth is to diversify your income and include passive revenue streams in your financial planning.

The most crucial part of achieving financial freedom is investing in suitable money-making options. The investment portfolios differ in numerous ways - size, stocks, shares, and the involved risk can vary. Every investor must evaluate their desired profitability and potential threats regarding market fluctuations.

Profitability of Online Passive Income Streams

In today's digital world, many financial advisors suggest building online passive income streams as a relatively safe and profitable option. For the most part, you will not need to hold inventory as your income stream includes primarily digital products. It is a great way to test out different business ideas without much financial loss in case it fails. Furthermore, the amount of money you make will depend on your chosen industry.

For example, dropshipping is one of the most popular online passive income streams, which can bring an astounding revenue of several thousand dollars every month. However, it is a saturated market, and you might need a solid marketing strategy to build your brand identity and promote your business.

Other online passive income streams might be less profitable but lucrative nevertheless. When weighing the pros and cons of each side hustle, every investor should consider the time needed to set up the revenue stream compared to the potential profit it can generate.

A great example is writing a book and getting commissions from each sale as long as the piece of literature is available to customers. While it takes effort and time to publish a book, some people find it the best online passive income stream as their e-book is available to a global audience. While some extra effort in marketing might be required, a book on a trendy topic can generate income effortlessly as the search volume is high.

How to Set Up an Online Passive Income Stream: the Case of Honeygain


You can easily create a passive income stream with rapid development in the technology industry. One of the most effortless ways to do this is to use specialized passive income applications like Honeygain. It is a free internet-sharing application currently available on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Users earn monetary rewards by sharing a part of their internet bandwidth with Honeygain's crowdsourced web intelligence network.

The only active involvement on the user part consists of the signing up process and keeping the app running for the desired duration. The payout depends on the amount of data shared, and there are other options to obtain additional rewards through the referral program, contests, and more.

Typically, Honeygain users earn depending on how often they use the app. Activity levels vary from person to person. Thus, the payouts will be different for every user. The Honeygain network awards 3,000 Honeygain credits for 10GB of Internet bandwidth users share. These credits amount to $3 - the more Internet connection a person shares, the more credits are added to their account. Additionally, there is an option to get payouts in cryptocurrency for those who prefer tokens instead of fiat currencies.

The Future of Online Passive Income Streams

While the popularity of online money-making opportunities increases annually, some question whether these revenue streams are sustainable in the long run. Notably, these opportunities vary when considering the active work needed, and there are only a few remote side hustles that can turn into passive income streams.

For example, being a virtual assistant is a trendy online side gig. While the revenue generated from this activity can bring a person the desired financial freedom, it cannot be a passive income stream. The constant work involved is characterized as active. Additionally, there are many upkeep tasks that a virtual assistant performs daily.

Nevertheless, online passive income streams can be an excellent way to diversify an investor's portfolio. There is a lot of uncertainty when investing time, effort, and money into online businesses. However, it is a lucrative money-making option if done correctly. Furthermore, there are many different opportunities to set up a passive income stream on the web compared to traditional methods involving the stock market or regular inventory-based businesses.


All in all, online passive income streams are essential to growing a person's wealth and achieving financial freedom. While the markets are relatively saturated, many new niches exist to explore. The world is digitalizing daily, and new technologies bring online passive income streams to new heights. In most cases, traditional passive income streams require high initial investments, while technology allows people to invest with little to no upfront costs and generate passive income.

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