Google Introduces New Gmail Structure, Here's What to Expect

Google has started its soft rollout of a newly designed Gmail, and some users have reported that their Gmail account already looks a little different.

New Gmail Structure

According to Bloomberg, the new Gmail will feature a new font, the Google Sans Text, inspired by basic geometries like circles.

However, the biggest update is to its left column, as what was once a vertical mashup of the email directories such as Spaces, Chat, and Meet, is now an app switcher.

Users can tap on any of the icons, but instead of getting a bit larger in the left pane, they will now take over the entire window.

This means that users can do much the same non-email-related things in Gmail that you could before, but with a more expansive view.

Also Read: New Gmail Design Coming Soon: What Will Google Change?

Other massive updates include the ability to search the platform easily as it now lets you use Google's toggling search chips to filter emails for images and attachments better. It also now has a new fit and finish across the interface.

The update is inspired by the company's new Material You design language. Gmail's drop shadows are now removed, with new curves and buttons similar to the tabs inside of an organizational binder.

Material You Design

First introduced in 2021, Material You is the new design system behind Android. Its big idea is that the user inspires the user interface of a phone.

The clearest way that plays out is in how Google uses artificial intelligence novel color palettes from the user's own photos, ensuring that the Google interface itself complements the wallpaper.

However, Google has deeper plans for Material You, according to Fast Company. Its engine will be able to customize every user's interface element that they see to their taste or need.

Instead of designing one perfect interface to rule them all, Google is working on a system that fewer molds users, like a design consultant sleeping in the code.

The new Gmail also removed color customization and the option to change the appearance of buttons. There are all sorts of reasonable technical explanations as to why Google can't work the same thing in a desktop browser as in its own smartphone.

How to Get the Old Gmail Back

If you are one of the users whose Gmail has been changed to the new one but are not happy with it, you can switch it back to its old style.

To do this, you first need to check if Google has switched you over to the new Gmail interface. If you see the row of vertical icons on the left side of the browser window below "Mail." If you see this, it means you are on the new Gmail, according to PCWorld.

To get rid of them, click the Settings icon in the upper right-hand corner. This will automatically open the Quick Settings Menu.

From there, select "Go back to the original Gmail view" on the list. Then reload your browser tab by selecting the reload button or pressing F5.

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Written by Sophie Webster

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