Blue Frontier Receives $20M Funding from Bill Gates—To Bring Clean Energy Air Conditioners?

There is a new start-up that promises clean energy air conditioning for all, and it is Blue Frontier, a Florida-based company that aims to debut a new way of cooling for multiple uses. One of the most important things in Blue Frontier now is receiving $20 million in funding from a clean energy investment fund from Bill Gates.

It doubles as a backing and approval from the famous environmental advocate and former Microsoft CEO, and it means a lot for the new company.

Blue Frontier receives $20M from Bill Gates' Investment Fund

Blue Frontier Clean Energy Air Conditioner
Blue Frontier

According to a release by Blue Frontier, it received a significant contribution for its funding, and it comes from the renowned clean energy investment fund from Bill Gates, Breakthrough Energy Venture.

The funding amounted to $20 million, and it is a significant addition to their operations, especially in their focus on a clean energy air conditioner.

While backing from any other investment company would be a massive help to their operations, this focus from Bill Gates is significant as it also doubles as a blessing from the famous philanthropist.

Moreover, Gates is famous for his massive regard for the environment and for helping it during this time, with ventures focusing on clean energy.

Blue Frontier: Clean Energy Air Conditioners?

According to Blue Frontier, its clean energy air conditioners are unique to their design and aim to reduce their energy use and other factors for the cooling system.

Its technology mainly focuses on a "salt solution" that acts as a desiccant and is highly concentrated. The device exerts water vapor via a heat pump and seals it, only opening when air conditioning is a need. The concentrated solution from the desiccant and heat pump brings the cooling that will dehumidify the air and focus on a process called "indirect evaporating."

Bill Gates and His Ventures Now

Statements and opinions from known tech moguls in the world mean a lot for the growing industry as it could mean that they support this venture or focus on its improvements and the like.

One of the ventures that Bill Gates-backed before is a "sun-dimming" project from Harvard University that would bring a balloon to the stratosphere and drop chalk on the area. Possibly, it would help in covering the surface outside the Earth with 2 kilograms of chalk and help in reducing the sun's rays that prove to be harmful already.

Another statement from Gates talked about how he intends to save the Earth and focus on the planet instead of leaving it or looking for another place to live in the coming years. This statement is a direct message against Elon Musk's Mars ventures that aims to bring a new civilization that would make life multi-planetary.

Now, there is a new focus for Bill Gates' investment fund that aims to focus on clean energy ventures for the world. A new form of an air conditioner may help in reducing emissions and pollution that are already brought by regular A/C units in the world, a focus on a different technology for the world's progression.

This article is owned by TechTimes

Written by Isaiah Richard

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