Elon Musk New Philosophy: Universe Curiosity, Multiplanetary Life, Interstellar—SpaceX to Deliver Sub-Lightspeed?

Elon Musk is talking about changing the world's future philosophy into a new focus that would venture more into curiosity for the Universe and the great beyond. These new ideologies he wishes to imbue among the public are a part of his beliefs and ideologies regarding the multi-planetary life that humans need to have in the future, with SpaceX delivering on it.

Additionally, human life turning interstellar is a part of this, with only sub-lightspeed needs for the future.

Elon Musk's New Philosophy for the Future: More Space Travels

SpaceX Starlink
WASHINGTON - APRIL 5: Elon Musk, CEO of Space Exploration Technologies Corp, speaks during a news conference at the National Press Club April 5, 2011 in Washington, DC. by Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images

A new tweet for the famous tech CEO talks about the future and speaks of the intended philosophy that he wants to share and change for the world in the coming years.

The new philosophy for the future talks about space more than how humans perceive it today, focusing on universe curiosity, multi-planetary life, and the transition to interstellar travel.

Musk added that this new philosophy is also "compatible with existing religions," with the tech CEO saying that God wants everyone to see "Creation."

The tech CEO justifies his statements regarding interstellar life and more curiosity about the Universe as it is something that he has been talking about before, advocating for more missions regarding space.

Multiplanetary Life and SpaceX Delivering on Sub Lightspeed

Musk got a question regarding the trick to "interstellar life," something that would come from multi-planetary travels. Here, the tech CEO answered that it only needs sub-lightspeed capabilities to make life interstellar, and it may be something to expect from SpaceX in the coming years.

Multiplanetary life is currently something that the space company aims to achieve, and its frontrunner spacecraft for this, the Starship, is only beginning to test out its limitations.

Elon Musk, SpaceX Missions

Musk talks a lot about SpaceX's missions online, and the future that would bring more of its ventures and focuses that will carry humans to different parts of space in the future missions. The next mission there is for SpaceX is to complete a successful test for the Starship and Super Heavy Booster rocket's stack that recently exploded.

Another recent statement regarding the world's progression with SpaceX under Musk's ideologies is to have a multi-planetary life for the public, and it will take a lot of the company's resources for this venture. Musk said that SpaceX would soon build more than a thousand Starships to help change life as we know it.

There are many statements from the tech CEO regarding life being multi-planetary, and it only shows his view of the future that would significantly change once SpaceX does the necessary things it needs. The reinforcement of a new philosophy may be complex, but for campaigns like this from Musk and concrete efforts with SpaceX, it may be possible to achieve this in the future.

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Written by Isaiah Richard

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