China: Wentian Module Docks on Tiangong Space Station—Focusing on Research, More Room for Sleep

China successfully launched, delivered, and docked its Wentian module, which is the additional piece in creating its Tiangong Space Station that is currently in orbit and will soon bring taikonauts to space. The Chinese National Space Agency (CNSA) is prepping for its next space mission, bringing 14 space personnel to stay and board the new space station.

China Wentian Module: New Research, Extra Sleep Facility for Crew

Long March 5B
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China and its CNSA launched the Wentian Module from Hainan, China, aboard the famous Long March 5B rocket that ensured its arrival in the orbit and ready to dock with the massive Tiangong space station. According to the China 'N Asia Spaceflight Twitter page, the rocket docked 13 hours after its launch earlier today.

The rocket took off from the Wenchang Space Launch in Hainan at 2:22 AM ET and successfully docked on the space station's Tianhe core module later in the afternoon (morning in the local time). The Wentian module is the dedicated space for CNSA's space crew to do their research and focus on its orbital studies about the different focuses in their ventures.

It is the second module for the space station, with the Mengtian arriving later.

China's Space Crew, Taikonauts, to Launch Later This Year

According to The New York Times, the "taikonauts," a.k.a. China's space crew and equivalent to astronauts, have another airlock where its crew would conduct spacewalks and extra sleeping spaces. There are three current taikonauts in the space station, but China aims to bring a total of 14 crewmembers once its space station completes.

China, CNSA's Ventures for Space

China is not far from the space race, as the famous super power country gave the world different missions and focus in the coming years, with significant ventures for the planet. One of the essential missions of the Chinese space authorities is the Chang'e 5, which centers on a mission for the Moon, with the country's focus on the famed natural satellite.

However, that is not the only mission the Asian giant brought for the world to see.

Another significant one is its Mars mission that, would send a rover and provide the world with another point-of-view on the Red planet with its probe on it.

The Tianwen-1 mission aims to seek more information about the Red Planet, and the country said that it would be sharing its insights and discoveries regarding its knowledge and findings on its space missions as per the BRICS Joint Committee.

Now, China is a massive entity in the space race, being the third planet to bring its rover to the Red Planet and probe the neighbor's space rock for studying and discoveries. The CNSA aims to launch its independent space ventures and orbital research that would help its operations, which the Wentian module will add to the Tiangong space station.

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Written by Isaiah Richard

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