NASA James Webb Suffers from Permanent Damage After Micrometeoroid Encounter‚ Still Functional?

NASA James Webb's recent micrometeoroid encounter was analyzed by researchers for further information on the incident, and the news report said that it sustained permanent damage to the spacecraft. It is a massive dispute for the relatively new spacecraft that is only beginning its many missions and surveillance of different objects in the celestial heavens.

NASA James Webb Suffers Permanent Damage from Micrometeoroid

NASA James Webb Space Telescope
This illustration depicts NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope – the largest, most powerful, and most complex space science telescope ever built – fully unfolded in space. The telescope’s first full-color images and spectroscopic data will demonstrate Webb at its full power, ready to begin its mission to unfold the infrared universe. Adriana Manrique Gutierrez/NASA

According to a joint report from the Space Telescope Science Institute, the James Webb Space Telescope suffered permanent damages from the recent micrometeoroid attack. It happened last June, and despite NASA's anticipation of micrometeoroids passing by and bringing space debris that would collide with the spacecraft, it got more significant damages far from expectations.

NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency published the same report last week, discussing the damages James Webb sustained. However, despite these damages to the spacecraft, it still lives on and will continue to function despite what it sustained.

Nevertheless, NASA and other space agencies are looking at ways to avoid future disputes on their spacecraft floating around in the great heavens.

Small Objects in Space Are Harmful, Webb is a Witness

Gizmodo said that micrometeoroids are regular in space and harmful to spacecraft, satellites, and astronauts who venture to the outside world. James Webb is a witness to the recent space debris that went by it but still brought significant damages that are far from its expectations.

Future missions would consider the many things it would cause for the future of space study.

NASA James Webb and its Presence

For some, the NASA James Webb may be insignificant, but for the many that believe and study space, it is something that brings many wonders to the world and bring knowledge at the same time. The goal of Webb is to get the world a better view of the universe and provide images that would help in its study for the astronomers and for entertainment purposes for the public.

Last June, the NASA James Webb suffered from a micrometeoroid attack, and the reports said that it would study the damages that it incurred when it collided with the space debris. Micrometroids are mostly expected by space companies and agencies, but the space debris that hits them is more significant than what it initially expected.

Nevertheless, James Webb still delivered HD images of the universe, and it is one deep exploration and photography that it gave the world.

Now, it may be time for NASA to be more careful and attentive to the micrometeoroid that would soon pass the James Webb as it may cause more permanent damage that may render it unusable. For now, James Webb will live on to bring more studies and images for the deeper galaxy that it aims to study and see more of the space and beyond.

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Written by Isaiah Richard

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