Google Maps to Bring EV Routes—Power Saving and Efficient for Clean Energy Cars

Google Maps is bringing a new feature for all, and it is currently in the beta testing mode focusing on EV routes, specifically for the clean energy cars available in the world. The latest feature is a treat for all EV users as it would give them the most power-saving and efficient routes to help them save energy for their vehicles on future drives.

Google Maps EV Routes: Now in Beta Mode, Says Report

Google Maps

Android Central reported that a new thing is coming to Google Maps, and its EV routes are in beta testing mode to bring a helping hand to those who own clean energy cars. The idea behind it is simple and helpful, providing electric vehicles navigate their route and roads that will help them save power and energy.

Everyone knows that EV batteries do not have unlimited charge, and their stored energy will soon deplete due to their usage and drives. It means that users may have to go to charging stations when their range is running out, and it may be a dispute among them as there are not many charging stations present, especially on long, national roads.

According to 9to5 Google's APK Insights, a new beta update for Android devices on the Play Store focuses on this new version that will bring the power-saving route feature for all EV users.

Google Maps EV Routes to Help Save Power

The Google Maps Beta program already offers this for current users under the beta testing feature, and it helps give them more information on different routes that are perfect for EVs. It would help save time, effort, and power, which may also help avoid the need for recharge stops that would take a significant moment to replenish fully.

Google Maps and its Features

It is high time for the world to hug trees and open its arms to other alternative options that will make their drive and transportation a little less toxic to the environment. Electric vehicles are now gaining traction, and it is through the many laws and rules that focus on the transition, with internal combustion engines soon to phase out on the roads.

As early as 2020 and 2021, several states will focus on changing the narrative and helping the environment by reducing the number of ICE cars. One of them is California and Governor Gavin Newsome's team that aims to restrict fuel-powered vehicles on the roads by the end of this decade.

Many car companies already offer alternatives and bring the world their take on EVs, running on battery power or a hybrid machine.

With massive efforts focusing on EVs from private and public entities, tech companies are adjusting to the switch. Other companies plan to transition their service cars for clean energy, but for someone like Google, it aims to help in providing the vehicles with an efficient route that will help in users' daily drive.

This article is owned by TechTimes

Written by Isaiah Richard

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