British Army to Investigate Crypto Scam Hack on its Twitter, Social Media—Possessed NFT Appears

The British Army faced a recent intrusion on its social media platforms, including Twitter and YouTube, where it posted several information that led to a cryptocurrency scam as its platforms got hacked.

The government agency from Great Britain is launching an investigation to identify the culprits behind it, as it managed a massive takeover of the platforms. It focuses on the "Possessed" NFT appearance on its pages.

British Army Faces Massive Crypto Scam Hack on its Social Media

British Army's Twitter page
British Army's Twitter page British Army via Twitter Screenshot

It is no joke to hack the social media platforms of government agencies, let alone the British Army's accounts which are known to be under the patronage of military personnel in the country. However, the unknown assailants still managed to do it and changed many things on its profile before getting caught doing it.

The British Army posted a tweet confirming its recent hack on the platform, saying that it will investigate its origins and how the threat actors could access its Twitter and YouTube accounts.

It is a massive breach on their platform as the hackers also managed to change its display pictures and were able to tweet several crypto scams on its page.

British Army Now Investigates Crypto Scam Hack

According to its Ministry Press Office, the problem was resolved by its team, and normal operations are already resuming on several platforms that got hacked by the unknown people behind it. The British Army and the Ministry Press Office will investigate what happened earlier and aim to identify the hackers that got into its platforms.

Cryptocurrency, NFTs, and Scams

Many cryptocurrencies and NFT scams appear online now, and it is because many people are using digital currency for their savings, investments, and needs the present. One of the most famous crypto scams is with Elon Musk, and he previously claimed that Twitter is "broken" as it brought many scams under his name.

The famous tech CEO is a massive name when tied to cryptocurrency, particularly with Bitcoin and Dogecoin, two of the coins he usually talked about before.

There was also one event where a cryptocurrency scam appeared to be the Tesla CEO and Amazon's Jeff Bezos, who are prominent tech executives that gained massive traction online. The fraud is not limited to Twitter's platform, as it could appear on any social media, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more.

Now, the threat actors breached one of the most prolific names on the internet, and it is a defense agency in Great Britain, its highest which is the British Army. This event would not pass as something that it would let go as it showed a massive breach on its systems, able to change a lot on the platform, including its profile picture, header, and tweets.

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Written by Isaiah Richard

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