Digital signage software is what you use on your PC to remotely control your digital signs. You can schedule content to come up on digital signs, or even make your own content and run it on your signs. As the digital sign market grows, we are seeing better and better digital sign software. It is evolving into its own software sub-genre. The technology is getting better and better, so here are a few features you should probably demand the next time you pick up some digital signage software.
Easier to Install Software
Companies that have been around for years, like Kitcast TV, have honed their installations down to a science. In short, you need a piece of software that is very quick and easy to install on PCs, and onto Smart TVs, phones, tablets and streaming devices. The days of clicking through boxes and boxes of installation pop-ups are over. Plug and play is the future of digital signs.
Its Own Creator
Even if it doesn't have a fully-fledged creator, it should at least have a way of smartening up your content. For example, it should allow you to run text over the screen with an animated background running in the back. Some sort of creation or smartening-up tool is necessary these days, even if you are planning on creating your content on a different platform.
Multi-Screen Management
It probably goes without saying these days, but yeah, your digital sign software should be able to manage multiple signs at once. The software should also be able to handle signs in different locations, even if the signs are in different buildings. It also goes without saying that the multi-screen management should make it easy to handle all those screens.
Cloud Storage or Online Storage
The truth is that you don't need these sorts of features, but many digital sign programs offer these sorts of services. Even if the program doesn't come with its own subscription Cloud service, the software itself should allow you to drop your displays, videos and content onto your own Cloud storage option. If you are running your screens remotely, then it is easier if you have some sort of remote Cloud save files that the screens can access. They allow the digital signs to update their content as the new updates roll out.
Slide And Content Management
The old fashioned way was to have a single stream running or a single video running and then have it loop. However, you should be able to micromanage your slides and your content so that you can keep things running the way you want. This may include how long the slides or digital posters run for, and the duration between each piece of content before moving on to the next.
Content Scheduling
These days, content scheduling is becoming very sophisticated. There are companies that control their content based on what the weather it like outside. There are controls that changes the content based on what day it is, if it is a workday or not, what time of the day it is, what time the sun sets, and so forth. Content scheduling is becoming very sophisticated, but it is also important that it remains as user friendly as possible.
Access to Collaboration
Since the 2020-22 pandemic, there has been a very big focus on remote collaboration. Since most companies want to be future proof and want to be able to make money during the next inevitable pandemic, there is a big focus on being able to collaborate on content creation and content management. As a result, software companies have acted fast to add or improve their online collaborative features, which includes allowing people to collaborate on content creation and on content scheduling.