Antivirus App 2022: Why Your Android Phone Needs One

Android is the most popular operating system in the world, which means that it is an easy target for malicious attacks. But do antivirus apps on your Android phone work to protect you from attacks?

Antivirus software has been recommended for Windows users for years now. Since then, Microsoft has created better tools to fight malware, like the built-in antivirus on Windows 8. But what about Android phones?

Get Google Play Protect

The biggest built-in defense against malware for Android phones is Google Play Protect, according to Tom's Guide.

There are a couple of different components to Play Protect, including the Find My Device tools. However, the selling point is the malware scanning.

Every Android device that has the Google Play Store is equipped with Play Protect. You may have noticed the message that says "No Harmful Apps Found" at the top of the apps and games management section in the Play Store.

The Play Protect also makes sure that the apps that you've downloaded from the Play Store are safe.

Play Protect does not work in the Play Store. It monitors everything that is outside of the store too. Even the apps that have been sideloaded from outside the Play Store are scanned by the tool.

Sideloading is still riskier, but you will feel safer knowing that Play Protect is watching.

Aside from scanning apps, Play Protect can protect you when you're checking out Google Chrome. Just like on Google Chrome for desktop, if you go to the site with a malicious code, you will see a warning, and you will be taken back to safety.

Monthly Security Updates on Your Android Phone

Another advantage of antivirus on your Android phone is the monthly security updates. These are updates that do not have new features but refresh the existing ones.

The new vulnerabilities and exploits are showing up all the time. If your Android phone is only updated once a year, these things will pile up and will be very dangerous.

It is important to remove these things as they come up. That is why the monthly security updates are needed.
However, not all Android phones got these updates in a timely manner or at all, according to TechAdvisor.

Google releases the security updates every month, and it is up to its partners to approve the fixes, add their own, and release them to devices, according to How to Geek.

If you want the most secure Android phone, the best way to go is to get a Google Pixel or Samsung Galaxy. Both Google and Samsung are the most reliable when it comes to keeping devices up to date with the latest updates.

Is Antivirus Needed?

These are the tools that Android uses to keep your phone safe, however, are they enough? They are enough for most people, and there is no reason for them to download an antivirus app anymore.

The same rules for using any device safely apply to Android phones. Just get your apps from the official source like Google Play Store. Remember not to download from any shady-looking websites and those with suspicious links.

Also, you need to download an antivirus app if you use an Android phone without the Play Store, sideload APKs from untrustworthy sources, or have an outdated version of Android.

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Sophie Webster

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