Lightyear 0: Solar Power Charging for EV—Thrives on Sunlight Alone?

Lightyear, a Dutch EV company, debuts the "Lightyear 0" to the world, and it is an electric vehicle that uses solar charging to power the car's capabilities and transports a person for all their needs. The solar-powered car will thrive on sunlight, and Lightyear claimed it can last up to 450 miles on the road, giving an extended reach for the user.

Lightyear 0: Solar Power to Push EV to Bring its Transportation Features

Lightyear 0

Lightyear announced its "Lightyear 0" electric vehicle earlier today, and it brings a new take on the transportation industry that pushes sustainability to another level. It is because it draws energy from the Sun via its solar power panels that will help in gathering power, especially on a sunny day when the car is under direct heat.

The EV startup claims that its batteries bring 450 miles of range (725 kilometers) on a single charge, and sometimes, users do need not to recharge from time to time to ensure their trip's needs. Lightyear 0 claims to give 43 miles (70 km) per day via its solar charging and it could go on for months without the need to plug it in.

Can EVs Thrive on Sunlight Alone? Lightyear Says It Can

Lightyear 0

No, the Lightyear 0 is not thriving on sunlight alone, as it only generates a specific number of charges in a day for the car's batteries. However, this is the start of the sustainable and efficient vehicles to bring their technology and features to all, focusing on the solar power technology that the Dutch company brings.

According to CNET, Lightyear 0's specs came from the initial prototype known as the Lightyear One, and it brought significant changes to its release now.

Electric Vehicles and its Clean Energy Sources

Almost all electric vehicles and hybrid cars have a unique feature that uses the kinetic energy from braking to convert to power and additional charge. The feature is known as "regenerative braking" and it aims to bring better use of wasted power from conventional braking to push its vehicles further and have more for their trip.

The Lightyear previously called its solar-powered EV the "Lightyear One," and it is said to be the most efficient car to release for the public in the coming years. Clean energy sources are one of the main focuses of the current vehicle industry and it aims to alleviate the pollution made by cars to the environment and help its revitalization.

Lightyear aims to bring an electric vehicle that would not even need a charge on its transportation feature that would take people from one place to the other. Sunlight alone will help in adding power to the electric vehicle and the company's design puts a massive influence on its upcoming solar power feature that will eliminate the need to recharge every time it runs out of juice.

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Written by Isaiah Richard

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