Anyword’s AI Delivers Copy That Performs–on a Silver Platter


Marketers today have more on their plate than ever-which is why many are turning to AI writing platforms such as Anyword to handle their copywriting load. Anyword not only saves time and effort, but it also boosts business by building copy that is uniquely set up for high conversion rates.

Anyword (formerly Keywee) was founded in 2013 to apply advances in artificial intelligence to text composition. As a pioneer in this field, Anyword has since become one of the most popular tools for busy marketers who need a fast way to create copy for multiple channels and customer segments. Advertising texts, landing pages, blogs, emails, social media posts - no matter the channel, Anyword can write it-and write it well.

Data-Driven Ads in Minutes

Google, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest - the list of channels where you want to advertise can be intimidating when you consider just how much thought goes into a single spot. For every channel, there are differences in audience and style, and everything can change for each new campaign.

But with Anyword, this chore is boiled down to a few fields and clicks. Take the Google search ad creation function, for example. All you have to do is insert a product name and description, or just paste a relevant URL, and choose your industry. Anyword will ask you for a preferred tone of voice and then generate a range of headlines and paragraphs.

Like what you see? The platform lets you copy the ad and post it to your website. Or, if you want additional options, simply click a button for more versions. Everything you read is powered by Big Data and AI and tailored to the specific customer segment. Anyword's technology builds copy by analyzing how language is structured for effective ads as it sifts through literally millions of dollars' worth of existing copy. The results speak for themselves: an optimized copy that yields better conversions.

The Predictive Performance Score

Perhaps the most powerful of Anyword's features, which makes it unique in the market, is its Predictive Performance Score. Anyword's AI engine is ‘trained' to analyze millions of copy pieces in a way that connects the conversion rate, profile of the audience, and the style and content of the message. Whenever the platform generates a line of copy, it is assigned a numerical grade that indicates how well it will perform, given the parameters (in this case, product name and description) that the user sets when starting a project. Based on this knowledge, Anyword predicts the conversion potential of a piece of copy.

Saving Time, Saving Money, Getting Results

In a way, this is a form of A/B testing, but it happens even before the audience reads the graded copies. Beyond obtaining a quality copy, Anyword lets you optimize your ad campaigns much more quickly as you post different highly scoring versions. This is as opposed to the usual split testing process of posting, analyzing results, rewriting, and reposting.

Most importantly, this reduces the risk of spending money on ads that don't perform. For any marketer in charge of multiple campaigns and channels, it can be a challenge to determine the best possible ad copy all the time. Anyword does the thinking for you and ensures that every penny goes towards high conversion potential advertising.

Let AI Make Your Job Easier

We've only covered the surface of what Anyword offers-not to mention its various tone of voice options, customer persona feature, sentence expander, and more. The fact is that AI writers can handle tasks that humans do and more. Plus, it can be exhausting trying to keep up with the rules and best practices for every channel where your brand has a presence. And now you don't need to, with tools like Anyword that automate and optimize the copywriting process-so you can focus on higher-level marketing tasks.

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