Reports are now surrounding Netflix about another release from a famous franchise that it is producing on its platform, and it is with "Black Mirror." The show is on its way to cast and soon start its shoot for Season 6, which many subscribers and fans have been waiting for in the past years already, with its last release in 2019.
Netflix's 'Black Mirror' to Start Production for Season 6

Variety reported that Netflix is set to produce "Black Mirror" again for its stream to Netflix, and it will bring the awaited Season 6 for its fans and audience that await it since 2019. The last release, Season 5, only brought three episodes on its offers, with many fans awaiting the new offers by the company.
BBC's "Black Mirror" turned over to Netflix, with its original release first airing last 2011. Fast forward to more than a decade later, the show has an irregular release for its offers and content.
The report talked about how the show runners are on pre-production of the series, with casting going underway and shooting to soon follow.
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When Will 'Black Mirror' Season 6 Release on Netflix?
CNet said that Variety's report focused on the show's assembly of its cast and crew for shooting, and it does not necessarily mean that it already has a release date on Netflix for its future offers. For now, the public has to wait on the official announcements of Season 6, with no timetable for its availability.
'Black Mirror' and its Technology
Technology and "Black Mirror" are entities that you could not set apart, as these two are closely related and the show borders on showing the "dark side" of tech and its dangers to the world. The show looks into celebrating the many advancements that technology brings, but later on borders on its drastic effects and its potential hazards when people overly rely on its offers.
As a "Black Mirror" to society and technology, the series gives people an insight as to how technology is both loveable and dangerous when put into the wrong hands or misused by the general public. Several episodes look into medical implants for memory retention and how they would be used for blackmail or blocking a person in real life.
This specific implant for memory is what people perceive regarding Neuralink, especially as CEO Elon Musk talked about how it would help the public in their use of the technology.
The show also borders on a social application, modern focus on torture via a museum attraction, AI, virtual reality for those on their death bed, and many more.
For the upcoming season, Netflix did not yet reveal any details about the technology it would use, but its controversial choices may border on the tech that is present now, and reimagine it for the show's future depiction.
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This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Isaiah Richard