Crypto Watch saw how the market struggled in the past week, and it has been one of the top stories of cryptocurrency in the last seven days, especially as there is a massive loss in revenue that it experienced. One of the most significant losses in the history of cryptocurrency happened in the past week, and it happened in a span of 24 hours only.

Other happenings include the chance to purchase an iPhone with Bitcoin and a wave of crypto muggings in London.
Cryptocurrency Loses $200B in 24 Hours
There was a crash in the market, and it is not something that people are happy about as it showed a massive change in the dealings and happenings in the cryptocurrency world. All of it happened in 24 hours, and it lost a massive $200 billion in the marketplace.
Many investors lost a lot during this crash, and it remains a significant change in the cryptocurrency industry.
It contributed to different ways that people handle crypto now. It proves a lot that the market is volatile and unpredictable even though it is somehow established to be a tendered currency in the world.
A report by CoinMarketCap said that cryptocurrency is bouncing back, and it is retaining its strong performance in the market, with the valuation of the coins starting to get traction.
Read Also : Bitcoin Slumps Below the $29K Mark, Inciting Panic Amid Crypto Market as TerraUSD Crashes
Dish Offers an iPhone through Bitcoin
"Boosted Infinite" is coming this fall. It is the latest offering of Dish Network and Boost Mobile for the public at the current time, involving cryptocurrency and having a device via its blockchain.
The offer from Dish comes on as a massive promotion for all, as they do not need to withdraw their cryptocurrency dealings to purchase an iPhone when they hold Bitcoin or Ethereum.
The Verge's report said that this new offer from Dish would give users a chance to go all the way with their cryptocurrency holdings and have more without changing many things. The plan offers unlimited offers like calls and texts and massive data allocation to use for all needs via the cryptocurrency holdings.
Crypto Muggings in London
A report by BBC News talked about the many crimes involving cryptocurrency and how thieves are targetting the industry as they gain access to accounts from investors of the digital blockchain. It is the modern-day "mugging," as the reports call them, and it takes a lot from the public, whose goal is to invest for themselves.
Thieves are getting more resilient and elusive these days, and they have the power to hide from the public and law enforcement as they do most of their crimes in the online world. Many crimes have happened in the crypto industry, and it gets to be a regular event in the world now, only showing how much accessible it is to take from others.
This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Isaiah Richard