NASA Celebrates Teacher's Week—Commemorates Educators and Their Influence towards Knowledge

NASA is one with celebrating educators and teachers that work hard on a day-to-day basis to provide for children and all that wish to learn more. These teachers bring more than lessons and information to everyone, as they also offer life lessons, philosophies, and knowledge that instills itself in those seeking excellence.

NASA Celebrates Teachers' Week: Here's When

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Children listen to their teacher as they sit in a classroom on the first day of the start of the school year, at the Chaptal elementary school in Paris, on September 2, 2019. - In France some 12.4 million students crossed the doors of elementary schools (6.7 million), secondary school (3.4 million) and high schools (2.3 million) on September 2, 2019. (Photo by Martin BUREAU / AFP) Photo credit should read MARTIN BUREAU/AFP via Getty Images

NASA celebrates teachers, and the agency announced that it is holding its own Teachers' Week from May 3 to May 2 to 6 to commemorate all the educators that give more of their capabilities to students. The space agency is one in celebrates the teachers, especially those in the STEM industry, for everything they do for the world.

One of NASA's programs is to provide STEM tools and kits to help boost education and information for all, widely accessible by the public, despite not being students or educators. The space agency gives a hand to these teachers and educators that go on their daily lives to provide knowledge for all and touch the lives of individuals.

NASA Recognizes Your Work as an Educator

Teachers are there to give knowledge and lessons at school, but they also extend their hands to provide the students with more of their work and efforts for a better future. NASA made it clear that it supports the educators for their work and recognizes their duties and labor to provide what students need, despite not having the fitting recognition they get.

NASA: Education is Important

NASA is all about education, and all the research it brings to the public regarding space and the Earth focus on giving knowledge and information to all. The national space agency aims to bring many satellites that will add more to the knowledge they bring for us, and it is not only with the orbiting space objects but also missions towards other planets.

Even the InSight Mars Lander and other spacecraft that are on a mission now are aiming to discover more and research a particular region, focusing on more information for all. Researchers and scientists fill their lives with work, and learning is also a part of the process.

Education is essential to the national space agency, and learning starts with the many educators instilling their views and knowledge to the learners.

The space agency is like a teacher to all, bringing its research and knowledge to the public as their students. However, it also commemorates those in a formal institution that works day and night to provide their lessons and lectures that bring much information for all.

Teachers and educators are an inspiration, especially for improving STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) that affect everyone's daily lives.

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Isaiah Richard

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