Google to Stop Showing Your Personal Information Online—Here’s How to Do It

Google is giving everyone a chance to remove their personal information via the search company's platforms, which shows that the company is changing its systems for privacy.

Personal information online was previously something that Google held, and while other platforms may still have it available, the Mountain View tech giant is changing its ways.

Google Stops Showing Personal Information Online

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A picture taken on November 20, 2017 shows logos of US multinational technology company Google displayed on computers' screens. by LOIC VENANCE/AFP via Getty Images

A post on Google blog brings a new development in the company's internet feature, and it is to remove personal information online.

The tech giant is giving the public a chance to control their information for all their needs. It is mainly focusing on their full names, contact information, and physical addresses that they gave Google before. It might be useful to some, especially as it is a matter of privacy and their security which they have the right to control.

Its goal is to give the public more control over how they present themselves online.

How to Remove Your Personal Information on Google

Google's website offers a request form for removing our personal information online, providing users with various options to utilize this feature. Initially, users receive an automated response confirming the receipt of their request, followed by updates once the process is complete.

This feature offers several options, including the removal of information visible on Google or preventing it from appearing online. It also allows users to remove their details from any websites or search results.

However, note that the information is only disappearing on Google's platform.

Google and its Privacy

Google has a thing for privacy, and since then, the company has brought many features that will protect the person from having their data and information sold or taken from them via the internet.

The company brought many efforts and updates to its many systems that promote security and privacy online, giving everyone a chance to be safe, even on a public entity such as the internet.

The tech giant is famous for its search features that the company brought together when the internet was first revolutionizing for public use. One of the many features of Google is keyword searching, and it develops through time, giving everyone the chance to describe things when they cannot say it has available results.

The latest anti-doxxing feature on Google brings a chance for the public to protect their data and real-world identity from malicious threat actors that collect it. The feature would also be helpful to protect against websites that collect personal information once a person visits it for their needs, especially in this age where information is freely available online.

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Isaiah Richard

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