Telegram is a favorite app for instant messaging and free online calls for other app users. It is also cloud-based, and the app itself is not a massive "storage eater," but what users usually encounter is its cache that takes a significant space and its media downloads that remain in the app.
In this article, Tech Times will take you on ways to free up storage and help in giving your device more space.
How to Free Up Telegram Storage? A Guide to More Space

Telegram said that its app could take up to nearly zero space on your device, as it is a light app that bases its services mainly on the cloud. The app alone is 207.2 MB when downloading from the Apple App Store for the iPhone, and while that may be a lot for some devices, especially with only 64 GB in storage, it is still the same size as modern messaging apps.
Users enjoy Telegram for its features, including reactions and stickers, which also take storage space.
What takes up most of the space are the Files, Media, Downloads, and the Cache that it keeps having a better experience on the app. And keeping these files may take up significant storage in gigabytes in one's device.
Telegram Cache
The Telegram Messenger's cache takes note of the temporary files in the app. It keeps the cache and takes on data to support many features, especially with media and information stored on one's device.
Clearing the cache does not mean that all files will perish, but it is a way to free up storage for the temporary files that the app downloaded.
Go to Settings > Data and Storage > and choose Clear Telegram Cache to remove the files taking up the space. Most of the time, these temporary files are not needed by a user, and they can clear it from time to time.
Telegram Media Downloads
Telegram's Media Downloads is a significant space eater, and it is because it downloads each photo, video, audio, and other files in the app. Without downloading its total capacity, users would not be able to see it or save it to their devices.
Deleting the media downloads is the same as clearing the cache. Go to Settings > Data and Storage > and choose the chats they wish to remove the files taking up space from the device.
Note that it will delete all the media and files on that specific chat.
A separate option to "Keep Media" files for some time only will delete its files automatically, depending on their preferred setting. It stems from three days to "Forever" or whenever the service is still running, or their account is still active.
Telegram now features an "inexpensive" subscription for removing ads on the platform for a more streamlined experience, and it will work well with limiting storage to a minimum.
This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Isaiah Richard