Global Consulting Firm Assuras Is Shaking Up The Traditional Practices Used By Technology Advisory Organizations

Global Consulting Firm Assuras Is Shaking Up The Traditional Practices Used By Technology Advisory Organizations

Meet Assuras, one of the largest up and coming businesses in the world of technology consulting, as well as management consulting.

This company is a consulting firm, so when they are tasked with working on a new project, they usually start by researching and planning. But when they work with a client for the first time, how do you balance spending quality time with them while still getting the job done? One method some consultants use is to meet face-to-face right away with senior executives - but others take an opposite approach and keep their distance until months later. Assuras likes to jump straight into setting up meetings with employees who will be most impacted by change coming out of those meetings.

"Technology must be built around end users, who are in turn actual human beings. For any system to work properly nowadays we must always take into account the human factor first and foremost." says CEO Tyler King.

Technology is here to make life easier. Machines can't do it all on their own; humans are needed for guidance. But when people collaborate with the machines already in place - everyone wins. Assuras helps their clients succeed by looking after their best interests and those working with the technology together. That is why Assuras views every user as a stakeholder - the company views them that important foe their overall success in projects.

The technology consulting company has recently been involved in projects within some of the world's most remote regions. They have partnered with organizations doing impactful work in some of the most underdeveloped parts of Africa. Partnering with people passionate about making an impact, Assuras team members are tackling thee challenges head-on and bring technology from the modern world to help grow economies and solve challenges faced in our increasingly connected world.

Some of these solutions involve overcoming some pretty challenging obstacles. How can we improve life for regions that lack things considered necessities to most? How can we make up for the lack of resources found in some regions? And how can we do this without using harmful fossil fuels? Technology is the answer to all these problems and it's what Assuras does best.

"Most of Assuras' workforce set off on personal journeys and are always looking for opportunities to change the world in a positive way. Assuras' philosophy of hiring people who want to give back is unmatched. People don't just come here to solve challenges professionally - they do it out of passion" says Tyler King, CEO.

Global Consulting Firm Assuras Is Shaking Up The Traditional Practices Used By Technology Advisory Organizations
Tyler King

Assuras offers an unconventional, yet time-tested approach for everything tech-related. They understand that people are at the heart of what we do and so they put them first.

The global consultancy offers technology solutions in ERP, Infrastructure, and Process Automation. Serving many industries with experience across the global, there is one thing for sure - there is not much that will be stopping this firm from helping make the world a better place.

"In the end, make the most out of every day. We only have one life and I personally want to make a difference living it. I hope I can bring that perspective to the world through my organization." says Tyler King.

Assuras - They help move mountains with you. It's clear we can expect more incredible things out of this firm and their people.

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