Scam text messages are plaguing the users over the past years. Despite several mitigation measures that they can do, some people still fall into this trap.
This week, Telstra announced that its brand-new scam filter feature for SMS will block suspicious text messages before they land on the user's mobile device. This will serve as an early warning that what you're receiving from the other end is unsafe to open.
Telstra Introduces 'Scam Filter' Feature

According to a report by 9News, Telstra's outgoing CEO Andrew Penn said that the company has a new way to prevent scam messages from reaching the devices. The announcement about the new scam filter was indicated in a letter written to the customers.
Telstra users could take advantage of this useful feature upon request.
Penn highlighted that the Aussie-based telecom firm makes use of "automatic machine scanning" so it could properly filter the suspicious links that could potentially contain malware and other security threats.
Telstra said that it's always important to prioritize the privacy and security of their customer every time. Penn cited that they know the "fine" balance between consumer protection and privacy prioritization.
The scam-blocking feature for mobile devices is in the early stage, but it does not mean that it's not effective. It can immediately flag a malicious SMS as a scam once the detection takes place.
"To avoid blocking something legitimate, the new message format may be reviewed by our specialists to identify if the message is a scam, but the details of the recipients will remain masked," Penn said.
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Telstra Won't Block SMS From Banks and Other Agencies
In a similar report, Penn said that the company will allow the flow of legitimate messages on the platform. As such, SMS which comes from financial institutions, enterprises, government agencies, and even emergency alerts can still get through.
Telstra 'Scam Block' Feature is Not Fool-Proof
Telstra Exchange wrote on its post that while the filter feature can block a surge of scam messages on the device, the firm acknowledged that it's not "fool-proof."
As Telstra implements a new method to prevent malicious texts, it's understandable that hackers could adapt to this change. The hacking schemes also evolve at the same time when companies strengthen their security and privacy techniques.
For some customers who don't want to activate this feature, there's a way to turn it off. You can send FILTER OFF to 0438214682. If ever you want to revert this filter, you can immediately do it by sending FILTER ON to 0438214682.
Speaking of scam text messages, Tech Times reported in October that Verizon users also experienced this issue.
At that time, the hackers staged a new phishing campaign to deceive the customers by sending unsolicited messages. Once they open them, there's a possibility that they could lose personal information.
Read Also: New UPS Delivery Scam Fools Victim Through Suspicious Email--Here's How to Identify and Avoid it
This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Joseph Henry