E3 2022 Gets Confirmation for its Cancellation from the ESA—Gamers to Wait ’Til 2023 for Next Show

The famous game showcase event for everyone, E3 2022, already confirmed its cancellation for this year's event, and the ESA claimed the rumors to be true. Gamers would have to wait for next year's showcase as the company is aiming for E3 2023 to fulfill its next event for all gamers to attend, and this time, it would focus on an in-person showcase.

E3 2022 Canceled by the ESA, No Showcase for this Year

E3 faces potential outright cancelation after digital-only announcement
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IGN reported that the E3 2022 got an official confirmation from the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), the known organizers of the event. Supposedly, the E3 2022 is making its way to another digital event for gamers to enjoy, despite two years into the pandemic and the restrictions already loosening in the present.

Razer's PR leader and executive, Will Powers, first broke the news to the public regarding the E3's cancellation, and many had reactions against this, as there are gamers that anticipate the event. The official confirmation from the ESA about the Electronic Entertainment Expo's cancellation is the end of the line for all event fans.

Gamers Would Have to Wait for E3 2023

For now, the only thing that gamers need to hold on to is the continuation of E3 for 2023, and they would have to wait until next year for its showcase. The E3's cancellation is a massive disappointment for the fans looking forward to an event this year, especially as there were initial hopes of the E3 2022 to happen physically after two long years.

E3 and Its Showcase Event

E3 is a game showcase that brings many developers and publishers to launch or talk about their projects for the public to know, giving the games a platform to get recognition and become known by everyone. One of the famous partners of E3 is Nintendo, with the Japanese gaming company bringing their sales for everyone in the event to witness.

The showcase witnesses many games that are coming to the platform, using the event as a place to launch many titles in the gaming industry for the audience to anticipate. One of the top 2021 games that launched via the E3 is 343 Industries' "Halo Infinite," which made its way for everyone to see at the showcase event.

The event is a massive testament that gaming is not just a hobby in the present industry but a culture for everyone to enjoy and express themselves via different media. The E3 helps bring recognition to games as the event invites gamers and fans of various franchises to participate in the event and bring their festivities for everyone.

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Isaiah Richard

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