YouTube Podcasts: New Platform Hints at RSS Feed Exclusive for Service—But When Is It Coming?

YouTube Podcasts got speculation from reports and analysts that hint at a new platform exclusive and direct to the feature, along with an RSS feed for the service. The company is famous for its video streaming services. Still, it may soon be looking into an audio experience like that of Spotify and Apple, focusing more on the voice streams.

YouTube Podcasts: New Platform and RSS Feed Leaks

YouTube logo
28 February 2022, Berlin: ILLUSTRATION - On a laptop screen you can see the logo of Youtube. by Fabian Sommer/picture alliance via Getty Images

A report by PodNews claims that YouTube is testing out a new platform that is nonexistent as of this moment, focusing on readying its service for the upcoming feature that the company will bring. The new service is a dedicated page for Podcasts, with the URL domain focusing on, which is currently inaccessible.

The new podcasts page would focus on a different experience from the original YouTube interface that focuses on a multimedia approach for its releases. The report said that the company is also looking into RSS feeds that would enable and help their service cover those that will utilize the applications, now at its early stages.

YouTube Podcasts: When Is It Coming?

According to Tech Crunch, the URL above is not redirecting to the YouTube homepage when copy-pasted or used, so it may be something that Google is working on now but has no content available. Usually, random links like this would only bring users to the original YouTube landing page, but it is different from the podcast's URL.

There are no announcements or confirmation for the Podcasts feature's arrival as of the moment.

YouTube and Podcasts

There were leaks regarding a massive incentive for creators on YouTube if they create podcasts via the platform, despite the service not yet existent on the streaming website from Google. The offers go up to as much as $300,000 for creators, and it focuses on giving them more of what they can bring to YouTube and expanding its podcasts service.

There are no announcements about the arrival of YouTube's Podcasts service on the platform. Still, the incentive focuses on the jump of podcasters and the networks to video streaming and content. The price incentive range from $50,000 for individual or independent podcast creators and up to $300,000 for the networks that will join the platform.

In that case, YouTube focuses on its video streaming platform. Still, the report mentioned above talks about audio content that will purely focus on the podcast feature coming to it. There are no confirmations of a podcast venture for YouTube, but the speculations above may indicate that it is coming soon for the streaming company's services.

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Isaiah Richard

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