"Pokemon GO" is bringing its annual Valentine's Day event for this year, focusing on a new Pokemon called Flabebe, a flower-like creature that will be in the spotlight in the coming days. There will also be a Valentine's Collection Challenge, Global Valentine's Challenge, 2x events for Candies, Lure Modules, and more this love event.
'Pokemon GO' Valentine's Day Event 2022: What's to Come?

"Pokemon GO" is blooming and it is bringing a lot of this love month for the public to enjoy. It is important to note that the Valentine's Day event will begin this Thursday, February 10, at 10 AM and will last until next Monday, February 14, 8 PM local time.
However, different challenges will be available as early as November and gamers may want to catch this early on to be ready by the event's start.
Flabebe Spotlight
One of the most significant focuses for this Valentine's Event 2022 is Flabebe, a Generation VI Fairy-type Pokemon that takes on the form of a flower. The Pokemon is fitting to be the spotlight of Valentine's event as it brings a symbol to the love month which are the flowers that one gives to their loved ones.
Flabebe, its second evolution, Floette, and its last form Florges are all up for grabs this February event. Gamers need to make Flabebe or Floette their buddy to earn 20 hearts so it can evolve to Florges.
Valentine's Challenges
There are two challenges this Valentine's day for trainers to achieve.
One is the "Global Valentine's Challenge" that will run from Wednesday, February 9, at 12 PM until Tuesday, February 15, 12 AM PST. It requires all trainers to send love, with a goal of 70,000,000 Gifts sent to get a 3x transfer candy for all.
Next is the Collection Challenges that will be available by Valentine's event and completing it would guarantee a spawn by a male and female Frillish.
Heart Trim Form Change
Furfou is appearing in the wild now, but it can also change its Natural Form to the Heart Trim Form using 25 Furfou candies and 10,000 Stardust.
Wild Pokemon Encounters
The following will have increased chances of spawns in the wild during the event:
- Chansey, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumis, Luvdisc, Wooba, Red Flower Flabébé, Blue Flower Flabébé, Yellow Flower Flabébé, Natural Form Furfrou
Special Wild Appearances:
- Miltank, Audino, Alomomola, White Flower Flabébé, Orange Flower Flabébé
Pokemon GO's Offers Now
Niantic and The Pokemon Company are bringing love in the air with the new offers this Valentine's Day but that is not the only event that is focused on during the early months of the year. One of which is the recent Lunar New Year event that focused on Litleo, also close to the 2022 Chinese Zodiac sign.
Also, towards the end of January, a spotlight for the popular twin and mouse Pokemon under the Electric-type family, Minun, came to the public to bring the favorite from Gen III.
The releases and events only show that Pokemon is still a relevant franchise now, with a lot to offer to gamers, even during this Valentine's Day, to all ages and persons.
This article is owned by TechTimes
Written by Isaiah Richard