Book in 1997 Predicted Digital Currency, Metaverse, Remote Work, Digital Banking, and More | 'The Sovereign Individual'

Predictions made by books are not too uncommon but for a book written before the current level of technology to be able to do so is quite rare.

A certain book written in 1997 called "The Sovereign Individual" was able to predict ten different points that are true today.

What is 'The Sovereign Individual'

Morning Brew's executive chairman and the host of Founder's Journal, Alex Lieberman, tweeted out a stunning revelation that a book that was published back in 1997 was able to talk about a lot of the leading technology being used today. Specifically, the book is called "The Sovereign Individual."

Per the tweet, Liberman initially heard the book from Balajis and Naval, noting the book is now his book club's first book. As per GoodReads, the book was written by the authors James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg.

Here's What the Book Predicted:

  • Metaverse

  • Digital Currency

  • Rise of e-commerce

  • Remove Work

  • Value of Curation

  • Rising Income Inequality

  • Virtual Culture

  • Digital Banking

  • Internet via Mobile

  • Filter Bubbles

Authors James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg

Per the description by GoodReeds, both James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg were two renowned investment advisors who brought light towards currents of disaster as well as the potential for prosperity amidst radical changes in human history.

The website also notes that the book details certain strategies that are necessary for adapting financially towards the next phase of what has been referred to as "Western civilization."

In addition, in the book, both authors explore the greatest economic as well as political transition in centuries, namely the shift from an industrial towards an information-based society.

What The Sovereign Individual is About

Per the description by NateLiason, The Sovereign Individual is one of the few books that changes the way the reader looks at the world after reading it. In addition, the next couple decades of technological advancements will help give users the unprecedented ability to live in certain ways that would have been unthinkable back 30 years ago.

It has been noted that the book outlines how tech changes the way people will live their lives. This especially focuses on how it was relative to countries as well as noting ways that readers can take advantage of the advancements.

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Cybereconomy to Become the Greatest Economic Phenomenon of the Future

Per the site's summary notes, human beings have entered the fourth stage of human society and in the future, wealth will not just be measured by the amount of money in the bank. It will also be measured by the ability to structure affairs to realize complete individual autonomy and independence.

According to the notes, cybereconomy will become the greatest economic phenomenon of the future. An article by details how Bitcoin applies to the thesis of "The Sovereign Individual."

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Written by Urian B.

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