COVID-19 was referred to as something called "manufactured" fear, and this means that it was allegedly dramatized by the government and concerned bodies regarding its severity and all. The Yale Epidemiologist said this has slammed the pandemic and the response that was made with it, despite the many cases and deaths it already contributed to the public.
COVID-19 'Manufactured' Fear by Authorities Says This Yale Epidemiologist

As revealed by The Epoch Times, a statement from this controversial Yale Epidemiologist, Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, Ph.D., says that COVID-19 is not something that people should make a big deal with. The coronavirus was regarded by Risch as a "manufactured" fear made by the government and health officials to scare people into staying in and getting immunized.
Risch even went as far as saying that natural immunity is better and claims that there were studies that show it is highly better than those that had the vaccine, pointing out to not getting the jab.
The "fear" instilled by the authorities has put COVID-19 into a big problem than it was, says the epidemiologist, saying that vaccines are riskier than natural immunity.
COVID-19 Pandemic: Is Natural Immunity Better?
Natural immunity is something that is achieved by those that avoid vaccination and live out through this pandemic or the height of the virus, not contracting any serious complications from the virus. However, there is a massive risk here as well, as it could be so that one's immunity is not that strong, and could end up suffering or succumbing to its infection.
Vaccines are guaranteed to be safe and helpful in defending against this, and it has been proven by researchers time and again.
COVID-19 Pandemic: Is It Really Dangerous?
Amidst the many oppositions from workers regarding the vaccine mandates by companies including Google, and more, there has been a lot of questions lately regarding the pandemic. It has since been reported and regarded that COVID-19 is a dangerous virus that could cause grave illnesses and ultimately, death, with an unknown cure as of the moment.
While it has vaccines already, it continues to infect people and even develop new variants including the Omicron strain that allegedly came from South Africa and is the most dominant type now. It was said that COVID-19 is not that dangerous, but a lot of people that initially claimed this has suffered from the adverse effects it has, with some testifying how mortifying getting infected is.
The virus is a dangerous one, and it is infamous for claiming the lives of those that have been infected with it, with a global death toll of millions already. For some it may be small or not something significant as they have good immune systems to hold it off, some are infected gravely, with no more chance of coming back from it as they die.
Related Article : Biden Admin's COVID-19 Plan to Reimburse Your At-Home Rapid Tests for Better Virus Prevention, Detection
This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Isaiah Richard