NASA's ExoMiner confirms that there are hundreds of new Exoplanets out there beyond our Solar System. It is in addition to the thousands that were already previously discovered.

NASA's ExoMiner Confirms Hundreds of New Exoplanets
NASA or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration significantly boosted the number of planets found in deep space in one go to a whopping 301, as per the report by Newsweek.
It is on top of the 4,569 planets that were previously discovered and validated outside the solar system.
It is worth noting that among the hundreds of new planets discovered, none of them are Earth-like or habitable just like our home planet.
That said, it turns out that NASA's efforts to look for Earth-like exoplanets have yet to discover one.
Back on July 29, the United States space agency and the National Science Foundation, along with researchers from the Pennsylvania State University aimed at looking for habitable planets outside the solar system or in deep space.
But still, even with the hundreds of new additional Exoplanets, NASA has yet to discover an Earth-like planet far away from us.
NASA's ExoMiner and Exoplanets
According to the news story by TechExplorist, NASA was able to confirm hundreds of new planets in the distant stars without taking years due to its new tech that goes by the name ExoMiner.
It is to note that discovering distant planets in the past could take years before validating it. It comes as it still has to undergo numerous and tedious confirmations to be considered as validated.
That said, with thousands of stars that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA is seeing, it would take a long time to validate all of these discoveries.
That is where the artificial intelligence of the ExoMiner comes in.
The said tech helps the space agency rapidly validate new planets not just at a faster rate, but in a more accurate manner.
The ExoMiner of NASA is a program that runs via the Pleiades supercomputer of the US space agency. It could precisely tell the difference between what is an Exoplanet and what is not.
To confirm hundreds of new planets, NASA fed the ExoMiner with possible Exoplanets from the archives of the Kepler space telescope.
As such, 301 of these potential planets have been confirmed and validated to be Exoplanets.
NASA ExoMiner: is it Accurate?
Given that validating and confirming a new planet takes a lot of time if done without the ExoMiner. Some might end up wondering, is the faster route actually accurate?
The project lead of the ExoMiner, Hamed Valizadegan, who is also the machine learning manager in the Universities Space Research Association at Ames, claimed that the ExoMiner is accurate in detecting new planets.
The project lead further argued that "when ExoMiner says something is a planet, you can be sure it's a planet."
Valizadegan went on to claim that the ExoMiner is even more reliable than the existing machines, as well as the human experts, which would likely come with a "human labeling" bias.
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Written by Teejay Boris