PS5 stocks are allegedly flooding Walmart's warehouse as the upcoming holiday restock nears and amid the shortage of the hot gaming console, alleges a viral TikTok video.

PS5 Stocks Secretly Flooding Walmart
As such, Dexerto noted in its report, TikTok users are now calling out Walmart for "hoarding" the PS5 as its stocks struggle to make it to major retailers.
In fact, the stock shortage of the Sony gaming console has gone wild, making PS5 restocks a sought-after event online and even in the real world.
Even with the constant restocks from major retailers, which include Walmart, PS5s still end up being sold out in a few minutes or hours.
That said, it is not surprising that TikTok users are now furious after a video claims to reveal Walmart's biggest secret. The viral video further alleges that the massive retailer has a stockpile of PS5s sitting idly in its warehouse. It comes even as customers scramble to get one for themselves amid its never-ending shortage.
TikTok Video Claims Walmart Has Stockpile of PS5s
According to the report of Entrepreneur, a TikTok user that goes by the name Hisham Hasan claimed that the video showing countless of PS5 stocks was taken at a Walmart warehouse.
What's more, the viral video on TikTok claimed that it is the reason "why all of you do not have PS5." The clip further alleged that "Walmart is monopolizing them all."
@hishamhasan3 #fyp #walmart ♬ BOZO ALERT - Janice
The five-second clip, showing what seems to be hundreds of PS5 gaming consoles stacked in tall warehouse shelves, has already garnered more than 3 million views on the video-sharing platform.
On top of that, the viral video has seen over 300K likes as of writing, along with thousands of comments, which is mostly filled with furious customers.
One of the notable TikTok comments was from a self-proclaimed former Walmart employee, echoing that the video is telling the truth.
"Bro, I swear to God you're not lying, I worked at a Walmart distribution center and they have over 2,000 PS5s, I was literally touching them every second," the TikTok user wrote on the comments section of the viral video.
Meanwhile, another commenter speculated that Walmart is hoarding the PS5s "to drive demand to their stores" during the holiday season.
Read Also : PS5 Restock: GameStop to Bring New Bundles for Console This Friday on Selected Locations-Here's Where
PS5 Shortage and Chip Crisis
Sony's PS5 console is currently being sold in limited stocks as the firm still struggles to keep up with the demand from its customers due to the global chip shortage.
It is worth noting that the ongoing chip shortage is not only affecting Sony's latest gaming console. The current crisis even impacts PC makers and car manufacturers significantly.
Not to mention that the demand for the PS5 drastically increased during the COVID-19 pandemic as gaming folks were forced to stay at the confines of their homes.
Related Article: GameStop PS5 Restock Found on Listing for Disc and Digital Version | Here's How to Order
This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Teejay Boris