Epic Systems has an AI algorithm that helps doctors in detecting sepsis before it even progresses or heads to the worsening of a patient that would most likely end up in a bad situation. Laboratory tests and other monitoring devices only go as far as preventing a patient from transitioning into the bad case of their disease, but AIs like this can help better.
Artificial intelligence has helped a lot in predicting and looking for diseases or sources of ailments when human doctors cannot see it or might have missed it due to its complex nature. These AIs have helped in detecting early stages of cancer, a diagnostic tool to determine a condition with just the sound of a cough, and other innovations and advancements.
AI Algorithm for Sepsis by Epic Systems

According to a report by STAT News, a company called "Epic Systems" has debuted a way on how to monitor a patient and alert a doctor or attending physician whenever the person is progressing into what is called "sepsis."
The health tech venture is focused on the AI algorithm that detects sepsis before it even happens for a person, and it is a massive one because the health condition is known as a "worst-case scenario" for the body. Sepsis usually occurs when the body is fighting off a strong infection, which cannot be answered or fought off by regular bodily defenses.
People with weakened immune systems usually resort to sepsis more as the body's involuntary defensive system to save or prevent any further infections to other parts but is usually life-threatening and serious.
The AI algorithm can help in detecting if a body will go into septic shock, and here, doctors can take the necessary step in administering medicine, fight off the infection, and prevent it from happening. Sepsis can sometimes do worse than good, especially when fighting off the ravaging infection, which the body may misinterpret.
AI for Healthcare

AI for Healthcare has been used a lot of times now, and it does not necessarily replace the doctors from doing their job. Rather, it provides assistance and help, especially in cases that are too complex to treat or have answers to, as not all are known by these medical experts, and a human's physiology differs per person.
That being said, AI algorithms are extremely helpful in the prevention of certain life-threatening situations, despite the many precautions or actions made by a medical professional in certain situations. A lot of things in medicine are unpredictable, and it may or may not be a sure science as not everything that the body shows are exact and absolute.
Who is Epic Systems?
Epic Systems is a Wisconsin-based health tech company that has debuted several advancements in the medical field to help and aid professionals with regards to improving healthcare. It was founded by John Faulkner in 1979 and has since helped in improving health care for the use of the public and health professionals.
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Written by Isaiah Richard