Your computer could suffer from serious issues when a sudden power outage happens. Many users don't know this, which makes them think it is still okay if they use their desktops without following the right processes when there is an unexpected power cut in their areas.

There are two types of power outages, which are blackout and brownout. The first one, blackout, happens when the power in a certain area is completely shut off. On the other hand, brownout surges take place when there is a partial outage in a block or street. This means that blackout is a more serious power cut compared to brownout.
TaraEnergy explained that there are various reasons why power surges happen. These include human error in electric plants, power overloading or over-usage, as well as natural disaster, which is currently the main reason.
How To Prevent Computer Outage Damage?
According to MakeUseOf's latest report, there are various methods that you can try to prevent your computer from getting damaged. These include the following:

- Always use a backup laptop when there is an outage. Unlike PCs, which rely on power boxes to remain active, laptops have their own batteries, which allow them to operate without the need to plug into a power socket.
- Properly shut down your computer when the power goes off. This would allow your system to function properly when you are going to use it again.
- Always have a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) to power your computer for a few minutes, giving you enough time to save your works.
- Use a surge protector for the safety of your computer files and other documents.
Although these methods are not 100% effective, they could still give a chance to ensure your computer's system wellness, especially since PC demand is now increasing as people tend to work remotely. On the other hand, these techniques would also be useful for computer builders since they can use them to properly finish their setup when there is a sudden power shortage.
Negative Effects of Power Outages
An unexpected power outage could overload and damage your PC's electronics components. This could get worst once there are some follow-up surges, which could definitely affect your desktop's motherboard or power supply.
On the other hand, a sudden power cut could also lead to file deletions, especially when your PC suddenly goes out of power when you are editing some documents or doing an online meeting.
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Written by: Griffin Davis