How To Fix Gmail Unreceived Email Bug: Effective Methods, Reasons, and Other Details

Gmail allows you to receive and sent important messages to and from other individuals. Right now, teachers and bosses are using this Google service to keep their students and employees up to date about the things happening in schools or their companies.

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However, Gmail has a bug that prevents you from receiving essential emails, affecting your productivity in online classes and remote work situations. There are many reasons why important emails are not pushing through your account.

Contact Gmail's report provided some of the factors that could affect received emails;

  • Server outage
  • Email filters
  • Out of storage
  • Security features
  • Spam messages
  • Gmail sync issue
  • Connectivity issues

If you are not receiving your emails because of these reasons, the best thing you can do is contact Gmail's customer service. However, because of the ongoing pandemic, active customer representatives are usually limited. Although this is the case, you can still follow some methods to receive your essential emails.

How to Fix Gmail Unreceived Email Issue

According to Business Insider's latest report, there are different methods you can rely on to prevent unreceived email issues from happening to your Gmail account.

How To Fix Gmail Unreceived Email Bug: Effective Methods, Reasons, and Other Details
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But, you need to remember that these techniques are not always 100% effective. If you want to save time from trying all these methods, the first thing you need to do is identify the issue that prevents email messages from pushing through your account.

Once you find the reason, you can now try the method that best suits your situation:

Check If Emails are Going To Another Folder

To do this method, you can click the Spam option, which is located on the left sidebar. If the email is forwarded there, users must select the "Report Not Spam" or "Move To Inbox" option.

Always Clear Google Storage Space

If your Gmail account is free, one of the main reasons why your account is not receiving emails is full storage space. To fix this issue, you must delete large files from your account or Google Drive. However, you need to make sure that these images, photos, and documents are not important anymore.

Check Internet Connection

Aside from the two mentioned methods, you also need to check if your internet connection is working properly. Sometimes, your WiFi could affect the emails sent by your boss or teacher. If that's the case, you can contact them to resend the email to make sure you are receiving it.

Fixing Gmail unreceived email bug is not the only thing you need to learn how to do. You also need to know how to prevent email from going through, especially when you are not supposed to send it yet.

On the other hand, users also need to know how to delete Gmail messages in bulk so that they can save more time when clearing their storage space.

For more news updates about Gmail and other messaging platforms, always keep your tabs open here at TechTimes.

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Written by: Griffin Davis

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