Fully vaccinated people are now receiving text reminders from the Health Department as they try to remind everyone to get their first or second dose.
Vaccination 2nd Dose
As part of a brand new program that wants to ensure that vaccinated people get their 2nd doses, the Pittsburgh state is reportedly sending out text message reminders to over a quarter-million different Pennsylvanians, as reported on CBSlocal. For those that have only had a single shot, the Health Department wants to make sure people get their second doses.
According to the story by KDKA, the article found out that some texts were going to people that were already fully vaccinated. With the whole delta variant surging, the Health Department notes that it wants to make sure people will get fully vaccinated. This week, it started sending out text messages to a whopping 254,000 Pennsylvanians to remind them to get their second dose.
Health Department Reaching Out to Individuals
Alison Beam, the Acting Health Secretary noted that they will be reaching out to different individuals who, for different reasons, got their initial dose but didn't get their second dose. They reportedly want to remind everyone that the second dose is very important to help protect them against the delta variant.
Raji Kosloske, however, notes that he was confused when he got a certain text message noting he already got his second dose. The state now looks to be hitting some of the unintended receivers. The numbers of kids and teens with COVID-19 have increased especially in Florida.
Kosloske on Being Fully Vaccinated
Kosloske reportedly got a text on his phone despite already being fully vaccinated. He reportedly got his vaccine months ago with his first dose at Giant Eagle and the second dose at Rite Aid. This reportedly makes him lose faith in the state's actual accounting of the vaccinated individuals.
Kosloske noted that there are probably a lot of people in his situation as well and they are also trying to do some vaccination count only from people that got it at one specific location. This, as noted, is supposedly not an accurate count. A study showed that people without vaccines are twice as likely to get infected with COVID-19 again.
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Health Deparment Addresses Issue
The Health Department noted that they were not aware of this existing problem and is now working to cull the numbers for better accuracy. A spokesperson even noted that they are very reliant on information coming from shot providers that have reportedly seen some errors when it came to the data when people got their shots at other different outlets.
The statement noted that the text messages coming from the Department of Health are yet just another step in the effort to be able to get as many Pennsylvanians fully vaccinated as possible. It was noted that if anyone who is already fully vaccinated and still gets a text, they can simply ignore this as they are still continually reviewing the actual data.
Related Article: #Techtimeslifehack: Reasons Why Unvaccinated People Should Get COVID-19 Vaccines
This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Urian B.