A new Zotac Gaming NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 restock was spotted online selling for $999.99 which is over twice its original MSRP! Could GPU prices be improving?
NVIDIA RTX 3070 Restock Spotted
Although there was recent good news regarding certain GPU prices normalizing, the current state of these GPUs is quite questionable with prices varying going up to almost twice its original SRP. There was, however, a certain GPU that was spotted selling for just $200 past its SRP but so far, spotting this kind of price again is extremely difficult.
A new Zotac Gaming NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 restock was spotted online selling for $999.99 which is $500 more than its original MSRP of $499 as announced by NVIDIA. Although this isn't an impressive price slash, there are other GPUs that have been selling for over $600 more than its SRP.
An NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 restock was spotted selling for $630 past its SRP making it still pretty expensive for most gamers. As of the moment, gamers are cornered and left with little to no choice but to purchase the GPU close to its SRP is quite difficult.
Good news befell gamers as an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Restock was spotted selling for $1,399, which was about $200 past its MSRP. The restock announcement was provided by an online restock tracker Twitter account which had also announced a new NVIDIA RTX 3070 restock in sight.
The restock tracker Twitter account announced a new NVIDIA RTX 3070 online selling for $999.99 and although this might still be a huge markup from its original SRP, the GPU is still fairly affordable for those that don't want to spend over $1000 as of the moment. The difference, however, is that the NVIDIA RTX 3070 is a lower tier GPU compared to the NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti.
As of the moment, the prices of GPUs have been heavily influenced by three factors. The first inevitable factor is the global chip shortage making GPUs a scarcity as companies like NVIDIA and AMD are forced to produce limited stock which isn't enough to cater to the general market.
GPU Price Hike
The second widespread problem is due to the rise of cryptocurrency, more and more GPUs are being bought to mine these cryptocurrencies. GPUs are ideal for mining cryptocurrency due to their massive hash rates. This makes things harder for gamers to purchase since they have to deal with additional competition.
The third problem is scalpers. Scalpers have been using bots to purchase new GPU restocks and reselling them at higher prices as seen in the different GPU offerings today. Although scalpers have been a long ongoing problem, there is, however, a workaround to purchase a GPU for gaming.
Instead of building a PC and buying part by part, gamers can purchase gaming laptops with pre equipped gaming GPUs to avoid purchasing at heightened prices. As of the moment, however, there's still a long way to go before GPU prices finally normalizes.
[New]ZOTAC Gaming GeForce RTX 3070 ... In Stock: $999.99
— StockDrops (@stock_drops) August 9, 2021
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Written by Urian B.