"Mass Effect 3" puts you in the boots of Commander Shepard as he/she tries to muster enough military assets to defeat a galaxy-wide Reaper invasion. However, some decisions can severely impact how many assets anyone can collect in a playthrough.

One of the biggest challenges in recruiting literally everyone involves the long-standing bad blood between two major races: the Krogan and the Salarians. Curing the genophage, according to The Gamer, is a choice that could mean you'll lose either Salarian or Krogan help against the Reapers. But before you make it to that final decision, you need to do additional stuff in the first two games.
Now, onto the guide.
'Mass Effect 1' Is Where It Begins
In the first "Mass Effect" game, you'll meet the Krogan bounty hunter Urdnot Wrex. From here on out, you have two options: ask him to join your team or ignore him entirely.
The best thing you can do is NOT RECRUIT Urdnot Wrex. That's the easiest part to set you up for ME3. But if you did recruit Wrex, then you still have the option to get him out of the picture.
During the mission on Virmire, you'll have to do what a lot of "Mass Effect" players are squeamish about: KILL Wrex. This is quite easy to do: all you need is NOT to USE the Paragon or Renegade option (if both or either one is available) because those two dialogue choices will make him stand down. Here is a video of the different options that would lead to Wrex's death:
Once Wrex is gone, his brother Urdnot Wreav will take the position of clan chief in "Mass Effect 2." Meeting Wreav on Tuchanka will make you understand why a lot of players love Wrex, and why Bioware giving players this choice is a masterclass in RPG design.
'Mass Effect 2' Has An Indirect But Critical Choice You Must Make
In "Mass Effect 2," the next choice you have to make doesn't directly involve Krogan. It concerns another squadmate: the Salarian scientist Mordin Solus.
On the Normandy, Mordin will ask you to help him rescue an old student of his from the Krogan homeworld of Tuchanka. According to an IGN guide, completing this mission in a certain way will help you both save Mordin and potentially get the Krogan and Salarians for ME3.
Here's how. As soon as you get to Mordin's student Maelon in his lab, you'll be offered the decision to save the latter's data on the genophage cure. DO NOT SAVE THE DATA. Either way, you'll get Mordin's loyalty and improve his chances of surviving the Suicide Mission.
'Mass Effect 3:' The Last Few Important Decisions
By performing all of the aforementioned steps in the first two "Mass Effect" games, you've set things up pretty well for ME3. Mordin is alive, Wrex isn't around, and you don't have Maelon's Genophage data.
After completing the mission on the Salarian homeworld Sur'Kesh, you'll be meeting Wreav again on the Normandy. You'll see he's a bit of a... hard guy to deal with. That's the first sign that should tell you NOT to CURE the Genophage.
Before you go to Tuchanka, the Salarian dalatrass calls the Normandy to offer you a choice to sabotage the Genophage cure. This will play out once you get to the planet, where the choice will involve revealing the sabotage to Krogan, or keeping it secret. KEEP THE SABOTAGE SECRET if Wreav is the clan leader, no matter what.
Next, Mordin (assuming you kept him alive in ME2) will try to finish the Shroud facility's Genophage cure. Because you didn't save Maeon's data, the female Krogan Eve dies and won't be around to keep Wreav's urge for revenge in check. Mordin will still try to argue but would be easier to convince with Eve dead if you choose a Paragon or Renegade option. Once Mordin is convinced, the cure fails, and he is saved.

The fake cure distributed across Tuchanka and Wreav, not being the sharpest tool in the shed, won't recognize the difference. He will agree to ally with the Turians, and the Salarians will also provide their full support for the Reaper War. Considering that getting as many war assets as you can is the key to getting the best ending in ME3, this is good.
This is also one of the toughest goals to achieve in the trilogy--same with saving the Quarians and the Geth. If there's one thing that Bioware is good at, it's giving difficult moral choices, and that's what makes the original "Mass Effect" trilogy a masterpiece.
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Written by RJ Pierce