AMD Ryzen 9 5900X Restock Spotted Online Selling for $67 More than SRP | Is It Worth It?

AMD Ryzen 9 5900X Restock Spotted Online Selling for $67 More than SRP | Is It Worth It?
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X Restock Spotted Online Selling for $67 More than SRP | Is It Worth It? Screenshot From Amazon Official Website

AMD Ryzen 9 5900X restock spotted online! With scalpers buying and selling prime computer parts, it's quite hard to purchase these important parts at SRP.

PC builders, however, are now settling for parts that might cost more than their SRP. Of course, there's still a limit on how much more PC builders are willing to pay.

PC Builders Struggle to Buy at SRP

While nobody likes overspending, for those that might want to build a PC right away, there could be no choice.

Although the CPU nowadays might be sold at higher prices, it is not the only chip that is being sold more expensively. In fact, the resell price of these CPUs aren't too bad.

One particular chip that is extremely expensive is the GPU.

Graphics cards, while usually already expensive, can even demand up to more than twice its price due to scalpers. Scalpers have been a huge problem not just for PC builders but also other in-demand electronics online.

PS5 Restock and Xbox Series X Restock

The PS5 restock and Xbox Series X restock are two examples of electronics that are widely sought after making them a top priority for scalpers.

An article by Bloomberg detailed how scalpers are using bots in order to automatically put in a purchase for the PlayStation 5 whenever new stock is available.

This automatically makes it much more difficult for regular buyers since not only do they have to compete against other buyers, they have to compete with machines as well. While some people might have had luck with the PS5 or Xbox Series X console due to restock trackers on Twitter, other electronic products could be much harder to purchase.

GPU and CPU Prices

An example of these are GPUs. Not only do regular gaming buyers have to compete with scalpers, they also have to compete with crypto miners.

Due to the scarcity of GPUs, the prices of in demand GPUs from AMD and Intel have risen to significant heights.

Luckily, CPU prices haven't risen that much.

A certain stock tracker on Twitter showed the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X priced at $657. While this might still seem like a fair price, it is important to note that the SRP of this CPU is still a bit more affordable.

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AMD Ryzen 9 5900X SRP

The official SRP of this particular chip is at $589.99, according to the AMD website.

As of the moment, it is extremely difficult to purchase the CPU at its SRP. For those that still want to build their own PC part by part, there are a few choices.

The first choice would be to buy certain parts at scalper prices. While there might be a price markup, buyers will have to discern which markups are tolerable. The second choice would be to wait for the parts to be sold at their SRP which is still highly unlikely as of the moment. The third choice would be to buy a laptop with a CPU, GPU, and other necessary parts included at a decent price.

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This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Urian B.

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