Success is achievable if you have a strong mindset and are focused on your goals. And reaching success depends on your approach and how you look at things around you. You need to visualize yourself achieving success as the mind is a very powerful tool that can't tell the difference between reality, and what you believe is reality. Which is great for those in pursuit of success. Because if you can visualize something strongly enough, it becomes real to your mind. And once your mind knows it to be possible, it will carve out the exact path for you to take from all of the information it has available to it. The majority of people I see are caught in the vicious cycle of "how will I attain success" and "when will it happen".
Successful people don't worry about the "how" or the "when" - Instead they focus all their intensity of action on the "what" and the "why". With a clear enough goal, and a strong enough reason, "how" isn't an issue. There are a million ways of "how" - Your success is not from a lack of strategies for "how" - It's from a lack of reasons "why". This goes in every profession, but today we are going to talk about the health practitioners who are masters in their respective fields but are unable to scale up their growth and are feeling stuck.
Health professionals and practitioners around the globe are excellent in their work and have given fantastic results for their patients but typically struggle with the skills to grow their patient base as they are not well-versed with the various strategies that can help them pull in the numbers. Perhaps they don't have that entrepreneurial instinct that can help them grow their business. They are novices when it comes to showcasing their skills or business in front of a wider audience. Because at their core, they are practitioners. Which is amazing. Until you want to grow a successful business. Where being an "expert" isn't enough. They basically depend on referrals, networking and other outdated means which are not effective in giving the desired results. This is where James Neilson-Watt comes into the picture who can help the healthcare industry professionals take charge of their growth and expand to limitless success.
"I want to take the power back from the consultants and agencies who are fleecing in the name of digital marketing and give it back to these healthcare professionals by teaching them the tricks of the trade and how they can catapult their practice's growth without the help of any third party or the so-called marketing gurus," says James.
He launched his online training program 'Health Business Accelerator' in 2019 to guide healthcare practice owners in sprucing up their practice by generating an increase in their client volumes. At present, it has a huge base of hundreds of healthcare practice owners from all over the globe who have learned how to scale their practice to growth by following the strategies taught by James in his program, which is based on his own experience as a successful practice owner and health professional. A majority of service-based healthcare professionals like chiropractors, acupuncturists, functional medicine clinics, dentists, massage & bodyworkers, and optometrists have gone through the program and have benefitted extremely well.
The secret strategies he has been teaching for the past few years are shared regularly on his Podcast "Healthcare Business Secrets Show" and in his Book "Healthcare Business Secrets - A Step By Step Guide to Building a Massively Successful Practice" The podcast is available on all major online platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, YouTube and many more. James has indeed done a fabulous job in helping the Health fraternity and what's more, he has unbelievably built a 7-figures online business before 30, and that's an impressive achievement, for sure. Success seems to follow James wherever he goes. This is someone to pay attention to.