'League of Legends' Alistar Double Knock-Up Combo: Correct Skill Sequence You Need To Do

"League of Legends" has released some exciting in-game content and other updates that continuously change how the players compete with each other in the Summoner's Rift. These include hero balances, item changes, as well as the arrival of the new heroes.

'League of Legends' New Combo For Alistar Is OP! Here's How To Do the Double Knock-Up Technique
'League of Legends' New Combo For Alistar Is OP! Here's How To Do the Double Knock-Up Technique Screenshot from Twitter post of @JockPossum

But, Riot Games, the developer of "League of Legends," also tend to change the Summoner's Rift with unwanted bugs and other internal issues. Although these may sound bad, some players still manage to use these bugs to have unfair advantages.

And now, some "League of Legends" fans were able to make an OP combo with one of the tankiest heroes in the popular strategy game, Alistar. This new technique allows the players to use Alistar's knock-up skill twice with just one click.

If you want to take advantage of this, you need to follow these correct skill sequence guide first.

'League of Legends' OP Alistar Combo

According to Dot Esports' latest report, the new Alistar combo was first leaked by the Reddit user Kuderic. In the video, he revealed that the key item for this combination is Ironspike Whip.

'League of Legends' New Combo For Alistar Is OP! Here's How To Do the Double Knock-Up Technique
'League of Legends' New Combo For Alistar Is OP! Here's How To Do the Double Knock-Up Technique Screenshot from Twitter post of @peacemaker9669

Remember, this in-game equipment is essential since you will use it with your W or 2nd skills. If you want to execute the new Alistar Double Knock-Up combo efficiently, you need to click his W and press the active item.

After that, you must use Alistar's first skill or Q. But, you need to cancel it right away before the animation is completed. This will allow you to knock up your enemy without using your first skill.

Once your enemy is in the air, all you have to do is use your Q to make the second knock-up. This new combo is quite over-powered since it allows Alistar to stun the target without displacing them, allowing for follow-up with Q and passive.

Thanks to this new technique, you can now make powerful ganks with huge CC chains. However, if Riot Games finds out that this combination is too unfair, it will certainly fix it. Recently, the "League of Legends" publisher also fixed another Alistar bug that allows him to do the Double Knock-Up combo using only your recall.

Other 'League of Legends' Updates

Meanwhile, Riot Games confirmed a new item called Hullbreaker. This in-game equipment is currently available in the latest "League of Legends" Patch 11.13.

The Hullbreaker is considered the replacement item for the Sanguine Blade. Some fans claimed that it is more efficient since it offers better enhancements for AD split pushers.

Hullbreaker provides you with an additional 50 ATK, 400 Health, 150% Base Health Regen, and offers you 20-45 additional Armor and Magic Resist when your allies are not around.

Not only that, but DBLTAP also reported that it also enhances your minions, giving them 60 to 135 additional Armor and Magic Resist. Aside from this, your canon minions will also deal 200% increased damage to the turret when you are using the new Hullbreaker item.

For more news updates about "League of Legends" and other similar games, always keep your tabs open here at TechTimes.

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Written by: Griffin Davis

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