'Final Fantasy VII' Remake PS5 Free Upgrade Not Working | Here's a Possible Fix

'Final Fantasy VII' Remake PS5 Free Upgrade Not Working | Here's a Possible Fix
Square Enix via Screenshot

A "Final Fantasy VII" Remake issue has been spotted. While a lot of gamers were excited for the free PS5 upgrade of the classic "FF7," the game is reportedly not working for some, and it could be because of a misunderstanding of what the "free upgrade" really meant.

'Final Fantasy 7' Remake Free PS5 Upgrade

The prominent PS5 restock tracker online, Wario64, announced that "Final Fantasy VII" Remake is getting a free PS5 upgrade on the PSN. The tweet then noted that the game does not work with the PS+ version and well, the issue is that gamers might not have the requirements to play the game.

The tweet noted that the game has to be used along with a paid disc version, or at least a disc PS4 copy of the game. If the game does not work, the issue could be that the "Final Fantasy VII" Remake that gamers have is a PS+ version.

In order to get the "free" PS5 upgrade, gamers with the PS+ version will still have to purchase the paid digital or the disc PS4 copy.

'Final Fantasy VII' Remake INTERmission

As of the moment, gamers are now excited for the "Final Fantasy VII Remake INTERmission," which would reportedly be showing another side of "FFVII" that gamers have never seen before.

An article by The Gamer details other specifications gamers might expect of the upgrade starting from the file size alone.

Gamers will have to free up 81.34GB for the INTERmission, which is quite steep. Although the game noted that it isn't in English, reports state that it still happens to be in English when downloaded. The listing on US PSN, however, states that the "FF7R" Episode INTERmission DLC is going to cost $19.99 for those wanting to play.

Read Also: Square Enix Announces Yuffie-Focused 'Final Fantasy 7' Remake Intergrade for PS5

Yuffie Kisaragi 'Final Fantasy VII' Remake INTERmission

Although the game says Chinese/Korean, the game still turns out to be in English when played as noted by a certain gamer who had just downloaded the INTERmission.

For those that don't know what the INTERmission is about, it technically brings gamers to another side of the game that wasn't there before the remake.

Gamers will reportedly be playing as Yuffie Kisaragi, who isn't really a main "FF7" character in comparison to the popularity of Cloud or Tifa. However, the DLC could be quite interesting since gamers haven't seen Yuffie as much as Cloud or Tifa, there's no telling what they could unfold when playing "Final Fantasy 7 Remake INTERmission".

PlayStation released a blog post giving gamers some tips on how Yuffie should be played. It should be exciting to see how the DLC would differ from the original "Final Fantasy 7" remake. Due to the storyline being a modern classic in which fans of Square Enix have probably memorized by now, the DLC should come as a surprise as it expands into a side of the game that other gamers might not be familiar with.

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Written by Urian B.

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