YouTube floating comment bar is now being tested on a few Android devices. Could this potentially improve the viewing experience or become quite an annoying feature? If you're a fan of the comments section, you'll be able to read and comment while watching your YouTube video.
YouTube Floating Comment Feature
According to AndroidCentral, YouTube has now been working on improving its mobile comment section for Android phones. The latest look now shows how the app might actually incorporate comments while users are viewing in full-screen.
A number of users have actually reported some sort of "bug" via Android Police on their own YouTube apps that show some sort of comment section found in a scrollable side panel while the YouTube video is in landscape mode. The panel then appears to allow its users to hide or even bring up the comment section whenever they want, with the video adjusting in size to accommodate.
How to Exit Fullscreen Comment Section
The transition actually looks fairly smooth and also provides some sort of uninterrupted viewing experience for anyone that is brave enough to scroll through a YouTube's comment section. It would also save users from having to exit out of fullscreen mode in order for users to leave a comment on the video itself.
It now also appears that users can, in fact, get rid of the side panel by hitting the "X" that is located on the top right side of the panel. The new view would also allow users to get something quite different from the live chat feed which appears whenever watching a live video feed.
YouTube Landscape Commentss
If this is some sort of test, it actually won't be the very first time that users have seen YouTube messing around with different ways to promote the comment section. Some time in March, the app was actually spotted testing out other particular layouts for how the comment section should appear underneath the video.
Up until now, the YouTube comment section can only be seen once one accesses the app's portrait mode. There are, however, many users that would still want to view their videos in landscape mode to get a more immersive type of viewing experience.
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YouTube New Feature
This would then give users a way to engage with YouTube videos no matter how they would choose to watch them. The particular feature does not really seem widely available. This means that it is likely some sort of server-side A/B test.
With this being said, YouTube might actually choose not to expand the rollout of this particularly handy feature. If this looks promising to you, you'll have to wait and see if the feature does become permanent. Of course, for parents, it is important to supervise the kids on YouTube if this feature should be widely available to protect them from potential harmful content found in the comment section.
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This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Urian B.