The Xbox Series X restock can be extremely frustrating to go after since buyers have reportedly been struggling to buy the console ever since its launch back in November. Due to scalpers and the global chip shortage, many interested buyers have not been able to get their hands on the console at all.
Walmart Xbox Series X Restock
One thing that has routinely helped players in the past is following Xbox Series X restock trackers on Twitter to get notifications of when it has arrived. Although this is supposed to work theoretically, there have been many complaints about how its tracker or the Xbox Series X restock Twitter accounts only give little to no leeway for interested consumers to buy the console.
According to one Xbox Series X restock tracker, there was actually a new restock on Walmart just recently. Despite what would have been good news of a Walmart Xbox Series X restock, many buyers had complained that this was a failure and that they were not able to buy the console.
Xbox Series X Restock Sold in 2 Batches?
A lot of the complaints noted that they were only able to get 2 or 3 seconds leeway in order to place their order and that it suddenly disappeared. However, some commented that they were still able to put their orders even 15 mins after the tweet. Could this be a glitch in the system, or could Walmart have a new technique of rolling two batches?
As of the moment, there is no confirmation as to whether or not Walmart is really releasing the Xbox Series X online stock in two batches, but if the Xbox Series X tracker notified about the stock and it disappeared only to reappear after a few minutes, could the Xbox Series X restock be rolled out in two batches.
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Where to Buy Xbox Series X Online?
As of the moment, scalpers are making everything extremely difficult for Xbox Series X buyers trying to find the console online. Every time a new wave of Xbox Series X available stock appears online, scalpers seem to buy them out and resell the console at massive price hikes.
The prices have been seen to go up to twice the original SRP making it very difficult for buyers without that stretched-out budget to buy the console. With regular buyers trying to get the console at SRP prices, buying as soon as Xbox Series X trackers online notify is something that they have been trying to do.
Scalpers, however, have made buying even from the notifications of certain Xbox Series X Twitter accounts difficult as well. Gamers have been trying to compete not just with scalpers but also with other gamers as well. This makes for a bloody battlefield when it comes to the console purchase.
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This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Urian B.