'Pokemon GO' Sustainability Week: Binacle, Event Raids, Spawn Increases, Research Tasks, and MORE

"Pokemon GO" is gearing again for an exciting event this upcoming Sustainability Week. The game intends to reward players with useful sustainable tips while enjoying catching different Pokemon in the event.

If you are looking for a tough guy in your party, this might be the right time to acquire the Two-Handed Pokemon, Binacle. You can also take part in seeing Ferroseed, Grimer, Grimer, and even Shiny Trubbish more often in the wild this time.

If you want to smoothly accomplish all in-game tasks, researchers, and other stuff, read this guide for more details.

'Pokemon GO' Sustainability Week Launch

'Pokemon GO' Sustainability Week: Binacle, Event Raids, Spawn Increases,Research Tasks and MORE
Niantic via Pokemon GO Live

In collaboration with the sustainability campaign of "Pokemon GO" developer, Niantic, the event will start from Apr. 20 to 25 during the Sustainability Week, Niantic said in the official blog of the game.

Spawn Increases

Dotesports reported that the following are the general spawns that will appear during the said run.

General Spawns

  • Binacle (No Shiny available)

  • Phanpy (No Shiny available)

  • Drillbur (No Shiny available)

  • Ferroseed (Shiny available)

  • Grimer (Shiny available)

  • Psyduck (Shiny available)

  • Seel (Shiny available)

  • Sunkern (Shiny available)

  • Seedot (Shiny available)

  • Trubbish (Shiny available)

Specific Egg hatches (5km)

  • Cherubi, Drillbur, and Finneon Shiny version is not available

  • Budew (Shiny available)

  • Diglett (Shiny available)

  • Goldeen (Shiny available)

  • Tangela (Shiny available)

Event-specific raids

For the one-star raid, you can catch Trubbish and its shiny counterpart. However, you can also catch Binacle but at the moment, there is no shiny available.

For the three-star raid, you can now own the long-necked Alolan Exeggcutor and its shiny version. You can also encounter Vileplume without shiny.

At the moment, there is no available five-star raid.

Event-exclusive Research

  • Chespin encounter (Use 5x Berries in catching Pokemon)

  • Binacle encounter (Use 3x Golden Razz Berries in catching Pokemon)

  • Ducklett and Spheal encounter (Catch 5x Grimer)

  • Cottonee encounter (Catch 5x Trubbish)

Today's View Research

Stage 1 out of 3 of "Pokemon GO" Sustainability Week

  • Oddish encounter (Use 5x Berries in catching Pokemon)

  • Goldeen encounter (Use 7x Water-type Pokemon)

  • Bellsprout encounter (Catch 7x Pokemon with Weather Boost)

Rewards: Upon finishing, you will have 1,000 XP, 20 Venusaur Mega Energy, and a Turtwig encounter

Stage 2 out of 3 of "Pokemon GO" Sustainability Week

  • Phanpy encounter( Send 5x gifts to friends)

  • Ferroseed encounter (Catch 5x various grass-type Pokemon)

  • Tangela encounter (Use 5x Berries in catching Pokemon)

Rewards: Upon finishing, you will have 1,000 XP, 20 Venusaur Mega Energy, and a Grotle encounter

Stage 3 out of 3 of "Pokemon GO" Sustainability Week

  • Alolan Diglett encounter (Catch 40x Grass-type Pokemon)

  • Binacle encounter (Use an incense)

  • Cherrim encounter (Use 7x Berries in catching Pokemon)

Rewards: Upon finishing, you will have 1,000 XP, 60 Venusaur Mega Energy, and a Venusaur encounter.

Remember to set your alarm clock on the said date, and make sure that you accomplish the tasks on the given date. For some time, you can peruse different "Pokemon GO" guides like this by clicking here.

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Written by Joen Coronel

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