Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, has built his soon-to-come social media website called Frank, which at the moment remains as a static webpage. Earlier this month, Lindell said that Vocl would be the site's name, which combined both features from Twitter and YouTube.
On Tuesday, Mar. 23, the 59-year-old businessman said that the app will launch within 10 to 14 days from now. Moreover, he declared that his team has been developing this site over the past years, aiming for a stronger "voice of free speech."
Could Frank be a Future of Free Speech?

In a report by Business Insider, Frank remains as a static webpage at this moment, but several days before its launch, the CEO has already set his mind on why he wanted to create this website for everyone.
According to Lindell, Americans need to have the voice for their freedom and liberty in terms of what they want to say, what they want to imply, and what they want to address for the whole region.
The site's description says that users are allowed to put videos. They can also conduct live streams, disseminate information faster through news stories, and engage in community undertaking with other people who have similar beliefs.
Previously, Lindell told Natasha Dailey of Business Insider that the site would be a hybrid of Twitter and Youtube, where people can print media, as well as listen to radio and television.
Through this reverse-engineered online platform, Lindell said that influencers can now make contents that target a crowd. This is similar to Twitter, where followers can freely follow their idols, actors, and other influential people.
However, Lindell said that gaining a big number of followers is not necessary for this platform. This is because the site is geared towards its "cancel culture" campaign, which is now widely-spread in the United States.
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How Mark Lindell Suffered Cancel Culture?
NPR reported in January that Twitter blocked Lindell when Dominion sued him for his conspiracy theories. The sensitive news about the "cancel culture" experienced by Lindell reached a large group of people who have different opinions on the topic.
Last week, Lindell said that he still planned to pursue canceling the "cancel culture" because he was confident that the investigators would help him in this scenario.
Previously, Lindell mentioned that the content moderation of the static webpage, Frank, will be easygoing for all users. The site will be a haven for the conspiracy theories, which he unveiled to the public.
Moreover, the MyPillow CEO said that he is planning to release a related film entitled "Absolute Proof."
Being criticized is only normal to Lindell, like video sharing platforms like Youtube, and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter had already imposed immediate flagging of his contents which are considered conspiration in nature.
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This article is owned by Tech Times.
Written by Joen Coronel