March 2021 Discounted Games: 'Half-Life: Alyx', 'Assassin’s Creed: Rebel Collection', 'Mario +Rabbids' and More!

On Tuesday, March 23, Steam and Nintendo have begun to discount some games in their stores. Many of these games are loved by gamers have been placed at lower prices for them to buy. Nintendo has started its Spring sale, and its list of games on sale is interesting.

Nintendo's Spring Sale

March 2021 Discounted Games: 'Half-Life: Alyx, 'Assassin’s Creed: Rebel Collection, 'Mario +Rabbids' and More!
March 2021 Discounted Games: 'Half-Life: Alyx, 'Assassin’s Creed: Rebel Collection, 'Mario +Rabbids' and More! Photo by Capcom from Capcom

Nintendo Started its Spring Sale on Monday, March 22, and it lasts until March 31. Everyone will have plenty of time to get any of these games that have been discounted.

According to IGN, here are the games being sold at a discount.

"Okami HD"

"Okami HD" is an HD version of the 2002 PlayStation 2 Game. The game uses a paintbrush aesthetic and paintbrush mechanics to capture the feel of ancient Japan. You also play a wolf the whole time, making the game feel more like "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess." The game is 50 percent off, making the game a good steal.

"Immortals Fenyx Rising"

    A more recent add to Ubisoft's lineup has been added to the discount pile. This game is heavily inspired by "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" especially. Although that may be true, it has many original ideas. It focuses heavily on combat and the classic Greek Myths. This game is also 50 percent off.

    "Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition"

      Although this game is only 40 percent off, it is a very classic game. It has been updated for the Nintendo switch. Not only have the graphics been updated, but many of the game's mechanics and game modes have been expanded. One of these major changes allows Dante to quickly switch fighting styles during a battle, just like in this franchise's latest games. These added features give the game more of a full feeling for a Nintendo Switch game than a Ps2 Game.

      "South Park: The Stick of Truth"

        With a Whopping 60 percent off, this game brings the best-westernized version of a JRPG out there. The game follows the cast from 'South Park' on an adventure as you assume the New Kid's role. With the same crass humor from the show and animation style. This game is sure to pique lots of people's interest.

        "Mega Man/Mega Man X Legacy Collection"

        These Two mega-man Game collections are discounted each for 50 percent off. Each collection gives you multiple games from the Megaman franchise for you to enjoy and spend some time on. What isn't there to want from a good discounted bundle collection?

        "Child Of Light"

          The second-highest discount with 75 percent off is "Child of light." "Child of light" Is another RPG game made by Ubisoft. It is a turn-based game similar to the "Final Fantasy" franchise with more play-forming aspects. The game even offers a co-op mode for those who want to play a game with more storybooks.

          "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy"

            Capcom's beloved Lawyer/Detective game trilogy is 50 percent off. In need of another new game in its series, Nintendo has discounted the original games for the time being. Get ready to enter a wacky adventure of lawyering in this game.

            "Assassins Creed: Rebel Collection"

              The open World Series of "Assassin creed" has released a double pack for 50 percent off. "Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag" and "Assassin's Creed Rogue." They are available for grabs as you'll be in massive ship battles and stealthy missions.

              "Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen"

              A cult classic amongst many gamers needs more attention, and with it being 50 percent off, this will be a perfect time to pick it up. This game focuses on battling large monsters and party management as you'll be climbing on the beast and many other buildings. You'll have a fantastic time playing this game.

              "Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Gold Edition."

                Last but not least on this list, "Mario + Rabbids kingdom battle gold edition" is the highest discounted game at 80 percent off. You'll be playing a strategy-based shooter game with Mario and other characters. The game also comes with its donkey Kong expansion that brings more content to the table.

                Valve's 'Half-Life: Alyx' discounted

                March 2021 Discounted Games: 'Half-Life: Alyx, 'Assassin’s Creed: Rebel Collection, 'Mario +Rabbids' and More!
                March 2021 Discounted Games: 'Half-Life: Alyx, 'Assassin’s Creed: Rebel Collection, 'Mario +Rabbids' and More! Photo By Valve from Steam

                Valve is also having a sale of its own for one of its games called "Half-Life: Alyx" For those who have Vr Headsets, this is the perfect time to get this game as according to Cnet it just got a 40 percent discount. The game offers many good things about "Half-Life" with Vr's added benefit to adding immersion to the mix. You'll be sure to love it.

                This article is owned by Tech Times

                Written by Lionell Moore

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