Ever Wonder What Happens When You Sneeze Into A Trombone?

If you play an instrument in a professional Salvation Army orchestra in London, what would be worse than embarrassing yourself in front of all the other players seated around you?

Embarrassing yourself in front of a live audience; that's what.

We don't know who this poor trombone player is, and we don't need to know. All that matters is that smack in the middle of a performance of William Himes' "Procession to Covenant," this guy got a nose itch and couldn't hold in a sneeze. It happened so fast, in fact, that he sneezed right into his instrument.

If you've ever wondered what happens when you sneeze into a trombone, today's your lucky day.

Wait for it.

It's pretty amazing that no one in the audience reacts, given how loud it is. Then again, it took place in London, so maybe they were busy being all proper and stuff.

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