"Valheim" has various bosses and other enemies that players find hard to defeat or kill. However, some fans are very creative when it comes to finishing off bosses.
Singing a few songs around the camp fire before I started The Elder boss fight in @Valheimgame
— #️⃣ ragectl (@ragectl) March 2, 2021
The Elder tried to minimise our carbon footprint, he's very environmentally friendly #Valheim pic.twitter.com/qvfzk4PiMq
When he was done preparing all the campfires, he then summoned the massive deer god Eikthyr and set all his materials on fire. He just ran around, letting the campfire deal some damage until the deer monster's health dwindle to zero.
However, using campfires to kill this boss will take a long time. This means that you have to be patient and always avoid the deer's attacks.
On the other hand, the player also managed to kill The Elder, the "Valheim's" second boss. Unlike the deer god, The Elder is a woodland version of Slenderman. This means that it is a tall monster that ventures into the forest to attack multiple players.
Although it is quite powerful, it is still vulnerable to being set on fire. Because of this, the player was able to kill the beast with tons of campfires.
On the other hand, these bosses haven't received their updates yet.
If the game's developer decides to tweak these characters, they might need to look into this footage and adjust the difficulty more. But, Iron Gate hasn't released any specific date yet for any updates.
Most difficult boss in 'Valheim'
Polygon reported that Bonemass could be the game's most difficult boss as of now. Why? Because some players claimed that it might be too overpowered.
Right now, Bonemass has no limits. It has six mechanics and tons of environmental damage, making it hard for players to dodge its attacks. On the other hand, this boss can also summon other spawns, which are really hard to kill.
Thus far, he is considered the king of poison damage. It is advisable to carry many resistance potions so that you can survive its attacks. You can click here for more details.
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This article is owned by TechTimes.
Written by: Giuliano de Leon.