The "Persona" franchise is one of the most famous Japanese role-playing games in the world. With the arrival of "Persona 5 Strikers," a spin-off of "Persona 5," fans were instantly hooked with the comeback of the Phantom Thieves with a whole new adventure.
After you defeated Alice the second time around, you should be able to turn her into a Persona by combining other Personas you currently have.
Here's who you need for the fusion:
- Lilith
- Nebilos
- Dominion
- Bugbear
"Persona 5 Strikers" is set a few months after the events of "Persona 5." It follows Morgana and Joker as they return to Tokyo for a vacation, only to know that an idol has attacked the people with Shadows, so the Phantom Thieves get together yet again to get to the bottom of the mystery.
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Written by: Nhx Tingson