Gatorade Sweat Patch Measures Amount of Fluid You Lost After an Activity

This Gatorade Sweat Patch Measures How Much Fluid You Lost After an Activity
This wearable technology in the form of sweat patch can also measure your sodium levels in the body after an activity. Gatorade

Wearable technologies throughout the years have been amazing the public through unbelievable tasks that could contribute to human health. In the field of sports, the most recent is a sweat patch, a product by Gatorade, which keeps you on track when you are sweating.

The New Gatorade Technology Capabilities

In a report by Gizmodo, the wearable technology named "Gx Sweat patch," focuses on helping the athletes during their training.

It is made possible through Epicore Biosystems' effort, a spinout company that specializes in soft microfluidics devices. The sweat patch is placed on the inner left arm of the person during strenuous activity.

What sets it apart from the OLED tattoos, which serve a nearly-similar purpose, is that this sweat patch does not contain a pinch of electronics in its interior. It was created instead through the layered polymers partnered with microfluidic channels.

For example, a person now undergoes extensive workout sessions, and since the activity makes him/her lose a lot of sweat, the patch signals the user through color patterns like orange and purple. This is an indication that there has been sodium concentration that is detected on the sweat.

Upon wearing the sweat patch, the colorful channels will be incorporated through the smartphone, where an app will be used to see the results via picture. The app will now conduct scanning of user's metrics like age, weight, sex, and the kind of training that he/she has accomplished in a given time period, after 30 minutes.

Basically, it will recognize some information from the uses through the metric report. Besides the above-mentioned metrics, it will also determine the type of weather which would likely affect how much a person perspires.

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Through the patch and the dedicated app, the fluid lost during the workout will now be determined. In return, it will also let the user know the level of fluid that you should intake to stay re-hydrated after the activity.

It is also important to keep in mind that it does not mean that it is the only fluid that you should drink for the app to work when using a Gatorade sweat patch. For one reason, it is used since it has sodium content which was vital to rebuild the depleted electrolytes of the athlete.

Using the Gx Sweat Patch is a step to promote a sports drink, but if you think how far the wearable could help humanity, the possibilities are indeed limitless.

Who would have thought that a patch such as an adhesive band can one day be used to monitor the individuals' hydration levels? Maybe in the future, we will not be surprised anymore if other things that we wear like clothes could also monitor our sweating patterns through innovative advancement in technology.

Gatorade Sweat Patch Features

According to the official site of Gatorade, the sweat patch is for single use only, which comes in two packs that cost $25. Its lightweight only measures just 1.25 ounces, but its size is said to be 2.5 in. x 1.5 in.

For measurement, it utilizes non-toxic dyes, which were mentioned a while ago. If you have skin allergies, do not worry, as it is a certified hypoallergenic adhesive, so it will work regardless of the skin reactions that you are experiencing.

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This article is owned by Tech Times.

Written by Joen Coronel

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