'Genshin Impact' Farm Guide: 7 Must-Have Items to Farm Before Hu Tao Arrives

Although miHoYo has not made any official announcements, "Genshin Impact" players are almost confident that the next character banner will feature Hu Tao, who is Zhongli's boss in the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor based on the game's lore.

Genshin Impact Hu Tao items
Reddit user u/DevilTakoyaki made a list of probable items you need for Hu Tao. u/DevilTakoyaki

'Genshin Impact' Hu Tao Item Requirements

With that, some fans are already preparing for when Hu Tao finally arrives, regardless of whether it's part of "Genshin Impact" 1.3 or the 1.4 updates. Since the playable character is among the featured characters for the closed beta test server, items needed for Hu Tao's talent levels and Ascensions have been released.

According to Inverse, Hu Tao will require "Diligence" talent books, a Shard of a Foul Legacy, three Crown of Insight, and Nectar-themed items for her talents.

Meanwhile, the items required to Ascend the character and unlock her level caps are a mix of Juvenile Jade, Agnidus Agate, Silk Flowers, and Nectar-themed items, but the update may pan out differently, and instead of the Juvenile Jade, "Gensin Impact" players will be required Everflame Seeds.

With this list provided by Reddit user u/DevilTakoyaki, it's now time to farm the items to prepare for the imminent arrival of Hu Tao.

How to Farm 'Diligence' Books

For the "Diligence" series of books, players can get all three books in the series entitled Guide to "Diligence," Teachings of "Diligence," and Philosophies of "Diligence" in the Taishan Mansion domain that is located at Jueyun Karst in Liyue.

"Genshin Impact" players have to be Adventure Rank 26 to gain access to the domain.

It's also best to visit the Mansion on Tuesdays, Fridays, or Saturdays to secure the nine Teaching books, 63 Guide books, and 114 Philosophies books.

How to Farm Shadow of Foul Legacy

Furthermore, Hu Tao will also require 18 Shadow of the Warrior to max out her talents, and players would need the Shard of Foul Legacy when Hu Tao reaches Talent Level 6.

To acquire this item, players need to defeat Tartaglia in the Enter the Golden House Trounce Domain, which becomes available after players complete Chapter 1, Act 3 and can only be challenged once a week.

How to Farm Nectar-Themed Items

Meanwhile, Hu Tao will require the Shimmering Nectar, Energy Nectar, and the Whopperflower Nectar to increase her talent level and unlocking her level cap, so you'll definitely want to hoard a lot of these.

To farm them, "Genshin Impact" players must kill Whopperflowers.

It's important to note that Whopperflower Nectar can be dropped by any slain slime, while Shimmering Nectar is dropped by slain Whopperflowers that level 40 or higher, and the Energy Nectar are from level 60 and higher.

How to Farm Agnidus Agate and Juvenile Jade

Furthermore, Hu Tao will also require tons of Agnidus Agate for her Ascensions, given that she is a Pyro character.

Go to Liyue and defeat the Pyro Regisvine or the Primo Geovishap to gain one, or they can be purchased from souvenir shops in both Monstadt and Liyue, or lastly, it could be dropped by the Wolf of the North boss fight that happens weekly.

Juvenile Jade will also be required to Ascend Hu Tao.

You can get the item from defeating the Primo Geovishap in Liyue, so it's best to prioritize fighting them over the Pyro Regisvine.

Hu Tao will also need one silver fragment, six gemstones, and nine chunks.

How to Farm Silk Flowers

As a Liyue character, Hu Tao will also require Silk Flowers for her Ascension, and the easiest way to get them is to buy them from Liyue citizens, specifically Verr Goldet from the Wangshu Inn and Ms. Bai at Qingce Village.

Each "Genshin Impact" player can buy up to five of these Silk Flowers from both merchants.

Visit them every two and three days, and respectively, as their stocks would then refresh so, you can get more for all your Liyue characters.

Silk Flowers can also be harvested from Yujing Terrace in Liyue Harbor or surrounding the Wangshu Inn.

How to Farm Crown of Insight

Lastly, "Genshin Impact" players would also have to hoard some Crown of Insight, perhaps one of the essential items in the game as it is used to max out the talents of every "Genshin Impact" playable character, which includes Hu Tao.

However, they can be hard to get as the item can only be acquired through in-game events like Chalk Prince and the Dragon or Unreconciled Stars, but you can also obtain one Crown of Insight if you upgrade the Frostbearing Tree in Dragonspine to level 11.

Hu Tao will only require one Crown of Insight per talent, so if she's one of the characters you use the most in "Genshin Impact," you should invest Crowns for her and other playable characters you use often.

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Written by: Nhx Tingson

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