The burner phone is now becoming popular. Why? Because this cheap, prepaid mobile device can completely hide your identity.

What's great about this technology is that owners can easily dispose of it or even destroy it in any way they want to leave no track. People working in the media industry often use this to avoid getting tracked by authorities.
Although this is the case, it is not advisable to use it in crimes or negative activities that can hurt other people. However, experts said that people can use it for privacy reasons as the last resort. This means that people must only use it if there's an emergency.
What is the burner phone?
According to How to Geek, this disposable gadget is a prepaid mobile phone that the user needs to dispose of. This technology is also commonly purchased using cash or actual money. If you are thinking of buying one, it is recommended to not use any bank transfer transaction or online payment since it could lead to an identity leak.

However, the burner phone also has an alternative that people can use that offers the same service. If you are going to buy a SIM card and dispose of it or destroy it after usage, your identity will also be protected.
Although this is the case, some experts warn people not to use the burner phone if they want 100% anonymity. Why? Because they claimed that there is no smartphone or cell phone that offers complete anonymity.
It is important to remember that there is still a chance that your identity will be leaked when using this phone, especially when you go to a store and use a credit card for transactions. Meanwhile, you can also be tracked by the license plate cameras that are on the route or road you used to get to the store. On the other hand, your credit card company will also have your purchase record.
These are just some of the reasons why burner phones can't offer 100% anonymity.
Should you buy the burner phone?
USA Today stated that there are several reasons why people should buy the burner phone. One of them is maintaining your privacy. However, it is still not advisable to use it to hide from authorities before you commit a crime. You can use it if you are posting some items on Craiglist or other classified sites. Aside from this, you can also use the burner phone as your backup device.
For example, if your main smartphone runs out of battery during a long road trip, you can buy one and transfer your SIM card to contact your friends or loved ones. Another reason would be contacting an employer and providing them an anonymous tip.
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Written by: Giuliano de Leon.