A number of the notably warmest places in Texas, where regular power outages are pretty much occurring across the said chilly state, are now inside their cars and their trucks that are parked in their home's driveway as there is no electricity as of the moment.
Does Texas have power right now?
Chey Louis hailing from Irving noted in the story on CNN that his family over in Grand Prairie notably had planned a small and socially distanced gathering in order to celebrate the birthday of his younger brother. Instead of actually celebrating, they then spent the day just trying to keep warm.
He noted that they had to be in the car all day with the particular heater on. The inside of their own home had actually dropped alarmingly below 40 degrees. Rolling power blackouts were then ordered across Texas on Monday as a particular winter storm and other harsh temperatures gripped the state and even knocked out the service for over 4 million of their customers.
Why did Texas lose power?
The noted rotating outages could actually continue well until the state's own weather emergency had ended. This is according to the official Electric Reliability Council of Texas or ERCOT, a new major grid operator responsible for controlling around 90% of the state's very own electric load.
Governor Gregg Abbott posted a Tweet saying that the state's power grid has not yet been compromised as of the moment. The statement said that the ability of a number of companies that actually generate the power had been frozen. This would even include coal generators and natural gas. He also added that the Public Utility Commission of Texas and ERCOT are both working together in order to get the power back online as well as give priority to those residential consumers.
Power outage Texas city
The said frozen wind turbines as well as limited gas supplies have reportedly hampered the technical ability to be able to generate enough power, according to ERCOT. The people of Houston, known as the fourth of the most populous cities in the US, might even be in the dark way until Tuesday. This was according to Mayor Sylvester Turner.
As of Monday afternoon, there were reportedly 1.2 million different CenterPoint customers stuck without power. This actually included the city of Houston as well as Houston region, according to Turner. He then said that this is a number that could increase as the harsh weather would get even colder that evening.
What is a rolling blackout in Texas?
Turner then noted that he wants to be very upfront to the people of the entire city noting that if they are out of power as of the moment, it is now very conceivable that this could be the case for the rest of the day and even maybe tomorrow. The rotating blackouts notably occur when a said power company cuts off electricity to small businesses and residential neighborhoods, typically for about 10 up to 45 minutes even before being rotated to yet another location, according to ERCOT. Traffic lights as well as infrastructure could also lose power during the said blackouts.
Related Article: Tesla is Buying More Land in Texas: Could This be a Potential Battery Factory?
This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Urian Buenconsejo