The "Pokemon Go" Johto Collection is now on its way to impress the Pokemon fans for another adventure. The Johto Celebration of the Pokemon Game, which will happen in February as part of the "Pokemon Go: Kanto Tour" will feature the Smeargle Challenge and the other nine Generation 2 pokemon.
The painting maestro in the Pokemon world has now arrived. Here's the guide to ace the Smeargle Challenge with ease, so you will not sweat a lot in playing.
Are you ready now to catch Smeargle? Let's now head to the guide below!
How to Do the Smeargle Challenge
Smeargle has been included in the "Pokemon Go" before, but take note of the rarity of the painter pokemon. Remember that the only way to catch this elusive species is through only pictures, paired with a lot of patience.
According to a guide from Attack of the Fanboy, the "Pokemon Go" Johto Collection has now leaned to the augmented reality feature of the camera. To do so, start by opening the menu and proceed to the character selection. Next, go to the top right of your screen and find the camera icon to begin the setup.
The odds of catching may take a lot of time - even for several days or even months. The Smeargle challenge can be tedious to those who easily run out of determination, but just wait for Smeargle to appear. It could be spotted in front of you, and once it happens, click the button at the bottom of the screen to capture a picture of it.
This is not that simple as taking a picture alone. Smeargle should be captured photobombing at you. It could be done through multiple attempts.
When that occurs, capture one picture, exit, and repeat the cycle. You have to be aware of Smeargle's presence in front of you, and that is the perfect time to catch it for your "Pokemon Go" Johto Collection.
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According to the Euro Gamer, here are the other pokemons that you can catch besides Smeargle:
- Cyndaquil, Chikorita and Cyndaquil
Who does not want to acquire these nostalgic Johto starters? The three Generation 2 pokemons can be caught in the wild or through accomplishing field research tasks and one-star raids.
- Murkrow and Sunkern
If you want to have them on your team, simply roam the wild and look for it.
- Larvitar
To catch Larvitar, hatch a 5-kilometer egg or finish a one-star raid.
- Sudowoodo
Do not let its looks fool you. Just catch five grass-type pokemons to obtain Sudowoodo
- Miltank
To obtain Miltank, you can search her in the wild, do field tasks or finish three-star raids.
Quest Rewards
Upon completing the "Pokemon Go" Johto Collection challenge, you will be rewarded with:
- 15 Pokeballs
- 10 Ultra Balls
- Incense
Further announcements will be revealed by Niantic later this month. Brace yourselves for the most exciting challenges that will fill your Johto Journey with surprises and other rewards!
"Gotta catch 'em all!" until you become the best pokemon master in the "Pokemon Go" world!
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This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Joen Coronel