Tomorrow, the Entei "Pokemon Go" raids will take place for the first time ever since 2019. It's important to take a close look at the top Entei "Pokemon Go"counters in order to help trainers take down the Entei which is a pure Fire-type "Pokemon" which can also be encountered in its stand-out Entei "Pokemon Go" Shiny form.
With the Entei "Pokemon Go" raid guide, players should prepare their own team to get ready and take on this particular Legendary "Pokemon" from the known Johto region. Players should also know how to get Entei "Pokemon Go" with a flawless catching strategy as well as understanding the Entei's 100% IVs, according to the story by BleedingCool.
How to Get: Entei 'Pokemon Go' counters
Using the Pokebattler is a good tool to calculate all of the possible combinations of the "Pokemon" and the moves, list the top Entei "Pokemon Go" counters as the following:
Mega Blastoise - can use either Water Gun or Hydro Cannon
Rampardos - can use either Smack Down or Rock Slide
Shadow Swampert - can use either Mud Shot or Hydro Cannon
Shadow Gyarados - can use either Waterfall or Hydro Pump
Shadow Tyranitar - can use either Smack Down or Stone Edge
Rhyperior - can use either Mud-Slap or Rock Wrecker
Kyogre - can use either Waterfall or Surf
Shadow Omastar - can use either Rock Throw or Hydro Pump
Kingler - can use either Bubble or Crabhammer
Shadow Aerodactyl - can use either Rock Throw or Rock Slide
It is also recommended that players power up their counters as much as they can while creating that amount of strong Mega or Shadow "Pokemon" with their moves unlocked is still quite a tall order even for those most practiced players. In addition to this, here are 10 non-shadow and even non-mega counters that can be used to take down Entei "Pokemon Go" with much efficiency.
Terrakion - can use either Smack Down or Rock Slide
Feraligatr - can use either Water Gun or Hydro Cannon
Swampert - can use either Water Gun or Hydro Cannon
Landorus - can use either Mud Shot or Earth Power
Garchomp - can use either Mud Shot or Earthquake
Landorus - can use either Mud Shot or Earth Power
Empoleon - can use either Waterfall or Hydro Cannon
Crawdaunt - can use either Waterfall or Crabhammer
Gyarados - can use either Waterfall or Hydro Pump
Tyranitar - can use either Smack Down or Stone Edge
Read Also: 5 Best 'Pokémon Go' Teams for Holiday Cup
How many trainers will be needed
Entei "Pokemon Go" PVP can be defeated with two trainers. However, for those that cannot guarantee the top counters along with their maxed out CP as well as the best moves, the player should probably join in with three to five other players just in case.
It is also important to use the Circle Lock Technique in order to guarantee the Great or Excellent throws and do this along with the Golden Razz Berries, which is the best way to catch the Entei.
Entei 'Pokemon Go' Shiny
The chances of finding this Legendary "Pokemon" is about 1-in-20. When looking for a "Pokemon" that has the best stats, the 100% IV Entei will reportedly have 1984 CP in normal weather conditions as well as a 2480 CP in boosted conditions.
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This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Urian Buenconsejo